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  1. CAP Regional Volunteer Officer South and South East Wales (A&C) 2023.pdf

    Description Job Title: Regional Volunteer Officer (Community Assistance Project) Location: Home based with potential office space in a partner office, covering the South and South East Wales Region Contractual ... Regional Coordinator (South and South East Wales) Job Purpose: To meet the Community Assistance Project objectives by recruiting, inducting, training and supporting suitable volunteers within the region to deliver

  2. CAP Regional Volunteer Officer North and Mid Wales - English.pdf

    Role Description Job Title: Regional Volunteer Officer (Community Assistance Project) Location: Home based with office space in a partner office, covering the North and Mid Wales Region Contractual Status ... Regional Coordinator (North and Mid Wales) Job Purpose: To meet the Community Assistance Project objectives by recruiting, inducting, training and supporting suitable volunteers within the region to deliver

  3. Culture Club

    opportunities for over 50’s in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to build confidence, make new friends, and to enjoy our many cultural sites, with the help of a friendly volunteer.

  4. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks. - welsh FINAL.pdf

    Cadw’ch hunan yn Ddiogel ac Iach Siarad gyda’n gilydd yw’r peth gorau y gallwn ei wneud os yw cwympo ac anafu ein hunain yn bryder. Peidiwch ag oedi, siaradwch heddiw! Care & Repair Cymru CWTSH CUDDLE Helpu Plant Oedran Ysgol, Teulu a Theidiau a Neiniau i siarad am Risgiau Cwympo Taid: Diolch am ofalu amdanaf a rydych chi’n iawn, dydw i ddim mor egnïol ag oeddwn yn arfer bod. Os gwnewch

  5. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks_.pdf

    Keep yourself Safe and Well Talking to eachother is the best thing we can do if falling over and doing ourselves harm is a worry. Don’t delay, talk today! Care & Repair Cymru CWTSH CUDDLE Helping School- ... Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks. Gramps: Thank you for caring about me, and yes, I don’t keep as active as I used to. If you help me keep active, I can keep myself strong and playing

  6. Nordic Walking

    Find out more about our nordic walking programme

  7. Volunteer Interest Form.doc

  8. LIFT volunteer 050716.pdf

    Age Cymru is the new force combining Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales. Registered charity number 1128436. Registered office address: Ty John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff ... 5PJ Tel: 029 2043 1555 Fax: 029 2047 1418 Web: 050716   Physical Activity volunteer role description Role title: LIFT Leader Principle function: To provide hands on support of

  9. Physical activity

    Age Cymru runs a number of physical activity programmes including nordic walking, tai chi and low impact functional training.

  10. CRS_Oct10_Engagement_and_volunteering_topic_briefing.pdf

    Engagement & volunteering Briefing Last updated: October 2010 This briefing explores older peoples’ involvement in volunteering and politics. Nearly 4.9 million people aged 65 and over in England (58%) ... (58%) take part in volunteering or civic engagement.1 In our own Age UK survey we found that 41% of people over retirement age in the UK volunteer on a regular basis (this could be formally or informally)

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