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  1. Tai chi Qigong

    from the doctor before starting. Tai Chi Qigong is suitable for everyone and can be followed both seated and standing. If you're using a chair make sure it's stable, solid and without wheels. You should ... people. How Tai Chi Qigong made a difference to Habiba The programme can provide both standing and seated versions of Tai Chi Qigong. If you would like more information about the programme please contact

  2. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    daily basis:  over 55% of survey respondents rated access to public toilets in their community as ‘poor’, with the lack of public toilets being the key issue  over a third of survey respondents assessed ... respondents regarded public seating and places to rest in their community as ‘poor’, with a general lack of facilities being the main issue. Sufficient provision of public toilets is vital to enable older

  3. Take Action Today-table-English.pdf

    Are you visiting the toilet frequently? Are you getting up at night? Has it been 12 months or more since you had your blood pressure checked? Do you have trouble making it to the toilet in time? Are you noticing

  4. 20210907 Climate Change Environment Infrastructure Cttee - Age Cymru response (005).pdf

    issues that are compounded by a lack of facilities at bus stops. More bus stops and shelters with seating would make public transport more accessible. We welcomed the publication of Welsh Government’s Accessible ... mentioned concerns about places they can rest and whether public toilets would be open: When able to go out [I need] toilets around and seats to [be] able to rest. (Female, 85-89, Torfaen) 4 Climate change:

  5. Cooling down.pdf

    press the elbow back with the other hand. Side stretch Sit tall in the chair and place hand on the seat, reach up with the other hand. Keep hips forward and feet flat. Avoid leaning over to the side

  6. Adaptations and equipment to make home tasks easier

    stair post Repositioning or widening doors for wheelchair access I need help with bathing A shower seat or bath lift A level access shower A removable bath board to help you in and out of the bath Flood

  7. Accessibility Action Plan - November 2017.pdf

    and street ‘clutter’, which can be hazardous and pose an increased falls risk; a lack of public seating; inadequate street lighting; and a lack of safe pedestrian crossings that allow sufficient time to ... so more bus stops and shelters with seating would help to make public transport more accessible. Age Cymru research4 highlighted concerns over the absence of seating at bus stops, with many rural bus stops

  8. age_cymru_manifesto_ENG.pdf

    access to public toilets in their community as ‘poor’. Over a third of respondents said that pavements in their community were ‘poor’ and more than 22% of respondents regarded public seating and places to ... Government must: • Place a statutory duty on local authorities to provide enough accessible public toilets across Wales, which are clearly visible to those who need them • Work with local authorities and

  9. IL5.pdf

    accessible toilets available in all parts of the home and easy to get to? n Are residents helped to the toilet, if needed? n Care home checklist 5 Do toilets have handrails, raised toilet seats and mobility

  10. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    age-friendly businesses Here are our ‘TOP TIPS’ for age-friendly businesses: Toilets and seats Provide appropriate toilets and seating, essential facilities that give some people the confidence to go shopping ... – which over-represents people aged 75+ – cited ‘not enough toilets’ as a regular issue. About half of respondents cited ‘not enough seats in shops’. Recent polling of people aged 65+ highlights other

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