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  1. Information and advice

    the key provider of information and advice for people in later life. We offer support with a range of issues, including; Welfare Benefits, Social Care, Pensions, Dementia, Bereavement, Staying Safe, Disability ... take longer than usual to get through. Please bear with us, we will get to you as quickly as we can. Key topics A small favour All the information and advice we provide on the website is free and completely

  2. Community Calculator

    hazardous pavements and exclusion from decision making are key issues for older people. Basic local authority facilities such as public toilets, safe pavements, as well as a voice in local decision making ... in decision making with 4.5, and pavements with 4.6. The lack of public toilet facilities was the key factor for many older people while others said cleanliness, accessibility and limited opening hours

  3. Assist and Connect

    other support Low level support around the house Feeling safe in the neighbourhood Managing personal affairs Support functional independence.  A key element of the work is supporting clients to access other

  4. Intergenerational falls prevention

    awareness education resource pack - Key stage 2 Additional resources to support and extend the session ‘Falling over - Your body and you’  Stay safe poster about helping older people to

  5. Evidence and consultation responses

    a priority. We do this by submitting consultation responses and producing briefings on subjects of key importance.

  6. 20210917 Local Government and Housing Cttee - Age Cymru response (1).pdf

    Cymru is pleased to respond to the Local Government and Housing Committee’s consultation regarding key priority areas that should be considered during the next 12 months, including the impact of Covid and ... respondents scoring their community three or less out of 10. The lack of public toilet facilities was the key factor. Issues were also 1 Age Cymru (2021) Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during

  7. FAW Briefing - 2021 - English.pdf

    our older citizens at the heart of #FallsAwareness2021 week. Our campaign is called Steady on Stay Safe. This is a systematic, public health approach based on similar, very successful, attempts at reaching ... many ways but for the most vulnerable the impacts have been devastating. The Stay at Home and Stay Safe messages have been critical to the success of the public health campaign to fight the virus but have

  8. Public policy statements

    detailed review process and cover a detailed review of evidence, a summary of our views and ‘key calls’ for policy change. They are developed in consultation with older people and our local

  9. RB_Mar2014_ fear_of_Crime.pdf

    from a World Health Organisation survey of older people’s health and wellbeing in six countries. Key findings:  There are large national variations in rates of fear of crime  Older women and frail ... on two items in the questionnaire: i. In general, how safe from crime and violence do you feel when you are alone at home? (home fear) ii. How safe do you feel when walking down your street alone after

  10. HOPE Independent Volunteer Advocate role description - final - updated Dec22.pdf

    matters to them in meetings or sit alongside them to give support  Look at ways to make them feel safe if they have been or are at risk of being harmed  Listening to people and hearing their wishes and ... draw on  Positivity  Good time keeping  Ability to keep information confidential (as appropriate) Key skills or knowledge of an Independent Volunteer Advocate What an Independent Volunteer Advocate does

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