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  1. Protection from abuse

    Elder abuse can take many forms, including financial, emotional, physical and sexual. Find out what elder abuse is and some examples of abuse.

  2. Grant application and delivery support form.pdf

    About these guidelines Read these notes carefully before you complete the online ‘GIFTS Request Form’. Should you have any queries about any aspects of the delivery, please contact Heather Ferguson on ... Demonstrate the impact of the project funded activity on older veterans - Using the programme monitoring forms, keeping reporting deadlines and maintaining contact with the programme manager 3 - Collate data

  3. Self Assessment Form for Commissioner ENGLISH.docx

    representative groups of potential service users and carers to raise awareness of advocacy in all its forms, in exercising control over their well-being outcomes Promote positive approaches to well-being and

  4. Self Assessment Form For Commissioner WELSH.docx

    GWEITHREDU’R COD YMARFER EIRIOLAETH OFFERYN HUNANASESU I GOMISIYNWYR Prosiect Eiriolaeth Edau Euraidd – a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth CymruTachwedd 2016 offeryn hunanasesu ·cyflwyniadAmcan Diben yr Offeryn Hunanasesu hwn yw canfod parodrwydd sefydliadol i gydymffurfio â Chod Ymarfer Rhan 10 (Eiriolaeth) a'i fwriad strategol. Mae'r Offeryn Hunanasesu ei hun wedi'i strwythuro mewn pedair adran i

  5. Equalities and diversity monitoring form.docx

    In Strict ConfidenceEQUALITIES AND DIVERSITY MONITORING FORM Age Cymru is strongly committed to equality and diversity. This commitment is fundamental to the achievement of Age Cymru’s vision and objectives ... diversity, we would be grateful if you would complete this fully anonymised monitoring form. The information gained from this form will be used for evaluation purposes only. If you would rather not answer the

  6. Equalities Monitoring Form - Welsh.docx

    Yn gwbl gyfrinachol FFURFLEN MONITRO CYDRADDOLDEB AC AMRYWIAETH Mae Age Cymru wedi ymrwymo'n gryf i gydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth. Mae'r ymrwymiad hwn yn hanfodol i gyflawni gweledigaeth ac amcanion Age Cymru. Er mwyn i ni allu mesur i ba raddau yr ydym yn llwyddo i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth, byddem yn ddiolchgar pe baech yn llenwi'r ffurflen fonitro gwbl ddienw hon. Bydd y wybodaeth a

  7. Equalities Monitoring Form - English.docx

    In Strict Confidence EQUALITIES AND DIVERSITY MONITORING FORM Age Cymru is strongly committed to equality and diversity. This commitment is fundamental to the achievement of Age Cymru’s vision and objectives ... diversity, we would be grateful if you would complete this fully anonymised monitoring form. The information gained from this form will be used for evaluation purposes only. If you would rather not answer the

  8. Nomination form for change maker.docx

    Please note that we unfortunately cannot return any photos sent to us.You can send your completed form and photos by email to or by post to Age Cymru Change Makers Project Mariners

  9. Volunteer interest form - CIAC.doc

  10. Equalities and diversity monitoring form.docx

    In Strict Confidence EQUALITIES AND DIVERSITY MONITORING FORM Age Cymru is strongly committed to equality and diversity. This commitment is fundamental to the achievement of Age Cymru’s vision and objectives ... diversity, we would be grateful if you would complete this fully anonymised monitoring form. The information gained from this form will be used for evaluation purposes only. If you would rather not answer the

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