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  1. Become an Independent Volunteer Advocate

    An exciting new project needs your help to support older people (50+) and carers in your community.

  2. Care Homes

    Find out more information about how we work with care homes in Wales

  3. Care homes

    Advice on how find a good care home, how to pay for residential care, and what to consider before you move into a care home.

  4. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    Friends in Need Local Authority Grant Scheme August 2020 Contents 1. Programme Overview 2. Grant Purpose 3. Financial Information 4. Decision Making 5. Reporting 6. Time Line 7. How to respond to information ... ‘Friend in Need’ scheme will enable a person needing support to identify supporters who would help them during the Coronavirus Crisis. At least two ‘Friends’ in separate households would need to be available

  5. v1.3a Determining need for advocacy - revised October 2017.docx

    Determining need for advocacy The decision making process for professionals exercising functions under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.All references are to the Part 10 Code of Practice ... Practice (Advocacy). 1. As part of t he initial conversation, and throughout the assessment, care and support planning, review and safeguarding processes, professionals must ascertain whether the person

  6. Age Cymru Advocacy Determining Need flow chart - English and Welsh.pdf

    Refer to the IPA service. NO Creating an age friendly Wales Decision making process for determining need for Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) for adults under the Social Services and Well-being ... also be needed. YESIs the person an adult who has, or appears to have, care and support needs or a carer who has, or appears to have, support needs? And are they undergoing: • an assessment • care & support

  7. Making hospital discharge safe

    Not everyone needs help after being in hospital, but many do. For those that need help it’s important that you know what help you may need and where to get it. Knowing yours and your loved one’s rights ... rights helps you get help needed to aid recovery.

  8. Advance care planning

    We're campaigning to help people with their advance care planning

  9. Care Home Volunteer Toolkit

    Our care home toolkit is a resource available to care homes about recruitment, training and supporting volunteers and care homes

  10. Home & care

    Read our housing and care information and advice on topics such as care homes, housing benefit, home safety and security, home insurance and information for carers.

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