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People also search for: £200 government payment autumn 2022, working into old age, wheelchairs for hire

  1. Adaptations and equipment to make home tasks easier

    phone or doorbell rings Indicators which flash lights when the smoke alarm sounds I’m worried about falls and safety A personal alarm Pressure sensors Gas and carbon monoxide detectors Remote control plugs ... dispensers which sound an alarm and dispense your medication when it’s due Dosette boxes which help you to arrange your medication and keep track of when it’s due For more information call Age Cymru Advice on

  2. Changes to landline telephones

    when? The technology we currently use to make calls on landlines, called ‘analogue’, is being replaced with an internet-based version, called an ‘IP network’. Landlines will still ... isn’t fit for the future and needs to be upgraded. The new system will use the internet to make phone calls. Phone and broadband companies are leading this change. The Government and Ofcom (the communications

  3. Assistive technology

    a glucose meter can keep a check on your blood sugar levels. You can also get a low blood sugar alarm that looks like a wristwatch. You wear it at night to warn you if your blood sugar drops when you’re ... to a designated call centre which then organises assistance.  For example, the alert might get sent if you left the gas on by accident, or a personal alarm would allow you to call for help if you

  4. BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

    responses underneath each question.   Will call blockers, used to prevent scammers from contacting older people, still work after digital switchover?   Call blockers will no longer be necessary following ... following digital switchover. There will be a new in-built service called Hiya that will automatically block scam calls. (See attached).    Some people reported being switched to the digital system

  5. Falls Prevention

    by discussing your risk of falling with your doctor and consider if you need to install a personal alarm in the home. Talk to your doctor Contact your surgery and ask if your doctor can perform a falls risk ... fall. They may also draw up an action plan to reduce your risk of falling. Personal alarms Personal alarms allow you to call for help, for example, if you’re unwell or have a fall and can’t reach

  6. Technology and internet

    For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  7. Relationships and family

    For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  8. Mental wellbeing

    For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  9. Work & learning

    For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  10. NHS services in Wales and help with health costs

    For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

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