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  1. Safeguarding

    Age Cymru aims to protect adults who come into contact with Age Cymru, through any of our activities, from abuse and neglect.

  2. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Perf_Arts_E.pdf

    Movement Performing Arts covers a wide range of activities that can be good exercise for residents, especially those with low mobility. Simple rhythm activities and calming movements co-ordinated with breathing ... on the out-breath. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Performing Arts Costume box A fun activity can be to explore costumes. Perhaps you could collect a small costume box of hats, scarves and coats

  3. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Perf_arts_W.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Celfyddydau Perfformio Symudiad Mae Celfyddydau Perfformio’n cynnwys amrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau sy’n gallu bod yn ymarfer da i breswylwyr, yn enwedig y rhai sy’n methu symud llawer. Gall gweithgareddau rhythm syml a symudiadau i dawelu sy’n cael eu cydlynu gydag anadlu fod yn hwyl o’u gwneud mewn grŵp. Mae posib gwneud yr ymarferion canlynol yn eistedd i

  4. Age Cymru Activity Cards_cARTrefu_Intro_E.pdf

    care homes with some of Wales’ most creative artists to give older people access to quality arts activities. Our cARTrefu artists have enabled hundreds of older people in Wales to create their own art through ... pack? This pack has a number of activities for you to try. The activities are split into four different art forms, each a different colour. The arts forms are: The activities are designed so you don’t need

  5. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Visual Arts_E.pdf

    Visual Arts Creating an age friendly Wales Photo collage This is a great activity to get people thinking about their hopes and wishes. They can think about the future or create a dream where anything ... different forms and textures, and can help exercise older people’s hand muscles. An interesting activity is creating a picture using clay as a canvas: • Create a square of clay 15cm x 15cm and about

  6. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Visual_arts_W.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Celfyddydau Gweledol Collage o luniau Dyma weithgaredd gwych i gael pobl i feddwl am eu gobeithion a’u dymuniadau. Mae cyfle iddyn nhw feddwl am y dyfodol neu greu breuddwyd lle mae unrhyw beth yn bosib! • Argraffwch luniau o wynebau’r preswylwyr • Ar ôl gwneud hyn, siaradwch gyda phob preswylydd am beth fyddai’n hoffi ei wneud fwyaf yn y byd • Gall y

  7. Age Positive Week - your event

    Tell us about your event or activity to celebrate Age Positive Week.

  8. Fitness

    Tips on keeping fit and how to stay active as you get older.

  9. Walk and Talk Befriender

    Be more active by going for a walk at your own pace with a friendly, supportive volunteer.

  10. age friendly Wales

    friendly wales, older people would not experience barriers to independent living and would remain actively engaged with their communities.

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