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  1. Housing Benefit

    Information about housing benefits

  2. Scams information hub March 2016.pdf

    Scams information hub March 2016 Wales-wide partnership to protect Welsh public from scams is launched “Scams ruin lives” says Older People’s Commissioner for Wales Final Edition Action Fraud reveals

  3. Gwanwyn Festival 2020 Information Pack.pdf

    1 | Page Gwanwyn Festival 2020 Community Grants Information Pack Gwanwyn is a month-long national festival held across Wales in May each year celebrating creativity in older age. The aim of the ... community grants scheme to assist organisations that wish to participate in the festival. This information pack is intended to help you: a. understand the types of events we can support and b. provide

  4. Scams information hub January 2016 (1).pdf

    Scams information hub January 2016 Don’t become prey for a fraudster                       Crackdown on nuisance calls to make marketing companies display caller ID       Falcon

  5. Information and Guidance Officer JD.pdf

    Page 1 of 3 Role Description Job Title: Information and Guidance Officer Location: Cardiff Contractual Status of Role: Full time, 35 hours per week Job Title of Line Manager: Service Manager (ACAL) ... impartial and comprehensive information and guidance by telephone, email or letter to enquirers to Age Cymru Advice. Main Responsibilities: • Providing relevant general information and guidance to Advice

  6. What do executors do

    Information on what executors do.

  7. Pensions advice

    Advice and information on pensions

  8. Survey information sheet welsh v2.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Taflen wybodaeth yr arolwg Hoffem glywed am brofiadau pobl hŷn yng Nghymru sy’n gofalu am rywun yn ddi-dâl, gallai fod yn aelod o’r teulu, ffrind neu gymydog. Os yw’r cwestiynau canlynol yn Wir amdanoch chi, hoffem glywed gennych: • A ydych chi’n 50 mlwydd oed neu’n hŷn ac yn byw yng Nghymru? • A ydych chi’n gofalu’n ddi-dâl am aelod o’r teulu, ffrind neu eraill oherwydd

  9. Survey information sheet welsh - final.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Taflen wybodaeth yr arolwg Hoffem glywed am brofiadau pobl hŷn yng Nghymru sy’n gofalu am rywun yn ddi-dâl, gallai fod yn aelod o’r teulu, ffrind neu gymydog. Os yw’r cwestiynau canlynol yn Wir amdanoch chi, hoffem glywed gennych: • A ydych chi’n 50 mlwydd oed neu’n hŷn ac yn byw yng Nghymru? • A ydych chi’n gofalu’n ddi-dâl am aelod o’r teulu, ffrind neu eraill oherwydd

  10. Scams information hub February 2016.pdf

    Scams information hub February 2016 Worst scams in 2015 Top five scams to look out for in 2016 Watch out for fraudsters harvesting signatures on your doorstep    Telephone scam Fraudsters claiming to

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