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  1. Consultative Forum

    of individual members were recruited by public appointment. The Consultative Forum has a maximum of 40 members. The elected chair of Consultative Forum also sits as a trustee on the Age Cymru Board. Activities

  2. Age Cymru Webinar summary report - Final Welsh.pdf

    1 Digwyddiadau Mawr 2020 Prosiect HOPE ar Eiriolaeth Crynodeb o’r Gweminarau Cyflwyniad Ym Mehefin 2020, roedd sefydliadau ag arbenigedd ym maes gwasanaethau eiriolaeth annibynnol, a’r Tîm Datblygu Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Cynhwysiant (NDTi), wedi cynnal arolwg o eiriolwyr a chasglu tystiolaeth o effaith pandemig (coronafeirws) COVID-19. Lluniodd yr adroddiad – “Gwerthfawrogi Lleisiau yng Nghymru

  3. EnvisAGE14_english_web.pdf

    friendly WalesEnvis AGE Spotlight on the financial inclusion of older people No. 14 2020 Featured articles Page 2 Introduction – Victoria Lloyd Page 5 Overview of poverty and older people – Dr Victoria Winckler ... people. In our opening article, Dr Victoria Winckler of the Bevan Foundation highlights that pensioner poverty is increasing due to pensioner incomes and rising housing costs. The article stresses that immediate

  4. EnvisAGE_2019_english.pdf

    friendly WalesEnvis AGE Keeping voice, choice and control when growing older No. 13 2019 Featured articles Page 2 Introduction – Victoria Lloyd Page 5 Dignity and choice: the voice of older people – Professor ... control are well funded and accessible to all of the older people that need them. In our opening article Professor John Williams of Aberystwyth University focuses on the importance of older people being

  5. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement - March 2019.pdf

    take-up remains low amongst older age groups. The National Survey for Wales 2017-18 highlights that only 40% of people aged 75 or over use the internet.29 In terms of access to services, a key finding of EHRC’s

  6. RB_May14_CPA_Changing_family_structures.pdf

    and over receive care or support from informal  carers – with the exception of the Czech Republic  where 40% receive support. Support rates are                                                                ...  people by their adult  children in England to 2032, Ageing and Society  FirstView : 1‐28  This article makes new projections of the supply of intense unpaid care for parents aged 65 and over in  England to 2032

  7. 20190725 Health Social Care and Sport Committees consultation on the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill VL.pdf

    average wait for a paramedic is 8-10 hours. We know of one case where a gentleman was on the floor for 40 hours, getting cold, being cuddled and covered with blankets, waiting for the ambulance to arrive;

  8. BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

    customers to provide permission before they are switched.  This permission may have been granted up to 40 days previously so there is a possibility that some customers may have forgotten about granting permission

  9. Transport policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    (20150 Creating and age friendly Wales. 11 Age Cymru (2016) EnvisAGE. Towards an age friendly Wales. Article by Charles Musselwhite ‘Vision for an age friendly transport system in Wales’. https://www.ageuk ... 30 Age Cymru (2016) EnvisAGE. No 11. Towards an age friendly Wales. Mackett (2013) cited in an article by Charles Musselwhite ‘Vision for an age friendly transport system in Wales’. https://www.ageuk

  10. EnvisAGE16_ENG_web.pdf

    EnvisAGE A spotlight on the mental health and wellbeing of older people No. 16 2023/24 Featured articles Page 2 Introduction – Ceri Cryer, Age Cymru Page 5 Unequal access to and provision of mental health ... on a range of services and approaches that can help to improve mental wellbeing. In our opening article, Dr Lis Boulton from Age UK explores the barriers that older people may experience in accessing mental

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