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  1. Bereavement Support Payment

    different bereavement benefits - including Bereavement Support Payment, Bereavement Allowance, Widowed Parent's Allowance, and Bereavement Payment - eligiblity criteria, and how to claim.

  2. Personal Independence Payment

    Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit for people aged between 16 and 64 who because of long-term illness or disability.

  3. Cold Weather Payment

    Cold Weather Payment is an annual payment to help with heating costs. Find out if you can claim Cold Weather Payment.

  4. General Election 2024

    Our priority for the next UK Government

  5. CRS_April14_Speeding_up_cheque_payments.pdf

    Speeding up cheque payments: legislating for cheque imaging Ref: 0214 April 2014 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research ... registered address is Tavis House1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. About this consultation The Government is consulting on proposals to change legislation to allow cheques to be processed differently.

  6. CRS_April14_Payment_Systems_Regulation.pdf

    Payment Systems Regulation: Call for Inputs Ref: 0314 April 2014 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes ... Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to establish a new regulator for payment systems in the UK. This new regulator, currently referred to as the Payment Systems Regulator or PSR was incorporated as a subsidiary

  7. The Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: Age Cymru welcomes the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report

    The Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: Age Cymru welcomes the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report

  8. RB_April15_Winter_fuel_payment_briefing.pdf

    Briefing The Winter Fuel Payment April 2015 This briefing note provides information about the winter fuel payment (WFP) and also explains Age UK’s views. Who receives it and how much is it worth ... The WFP is a one-off annual payment that provides help with the cost of energy bills for pensioner households. It is currently a UK payment but responsibility for the payment in Scotland is expected to

  9. CRS_Jan15_Payment_systems_regulation.pdf

    Payment Systems Regulation: Call for Inputs Ref: 0115 January 2015 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes ... Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to establish a new regulator for payment systems in the UK. This new regulator, currently referred to as the Payment Systems Regulator or PSR was incorporated as a subsidiary

  10. CRS_Sept14_Personal_independence_payment_independent_review.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Age UK’s response to the Personal Independence Payment Independent Review September 2014 Sally West Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock ... consultation The DWP appointed Paul Gray to undertake an independent review of how Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is working. The call for evidence is aimed at individuals and organisations with information

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