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  1. Webinar summary report - Final.pdf

    build in time dedicated to wellbeing. Again the issue of communication was raised across all groups, zoom calls being used heavily, adding stress, less phone calls, clients who need to lip read or those with ... Elderly people have been left isolated and lonely. Similar messages as previous conversations around IT, Zoom and virtual meetings need appropriate time and support to develop skills. Webinar 5 -Peoples Human

  2. Age Cymru Webinar summary report - Final Welsh.pdf

    wedi’i neilltuo ar gyfer lles. Eto, roedd cyfathrebu’n fater a godwyd gan bob grŵp, gyda galwadau zoom yn cael eu defnyddio’n helaeth, gan ychwanegu straen, roedd llai o alwadau ffôn, ac roedd ar gleientiaid ... gadael yn unig ac ar eu pen eu hunain. Mae’r negeseuon yn debyg i’r sgyrsiau blaenorol ynghylch TG, Zoom a chyfarfodydd rhithwir, gyda phobl angen amser a chymorth priodol i ddatblygu sgiliau. Gweminar 5–Anwybyddu

  3. Conversation resource - Welsh.pdf

    darganfod sut brofiad cafodd breswylwyr cartrefi gofal yn ystod cyfnod anodd y pandemig. Gan ddefnyddio Zoom, gofynnwyd i breswylwyr ledled Cymru am eu profiadau, ac maent wedi rhoi o’u hamser i rannu eu straeon ... allu dibynnu ar wefus-ddarllen na gweld pobl yn gwenu. Mae cyfathrebu gydag anwyliaid o bell dros Zoom yn golygu er ein bod ni methu bod wyneb yn wyneb, mae siarad ar-lein wedi ein helpu achos rydyn ni’n

  4. Winter 2021 Newsletter v3.pdf

    wrapped up - a guide to keeping safe, warm, and well this winter Each year Age Cymru updates its Winter Wrapped Up guide to help older people both survive and thrive the winter period. The guide covers a wide ... some of the issues in this guide or to order a free copy call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98 or email: You can also download a copy of the guide from

  5. RB_July15_Researching_Age-Friendly_Communities.pdf

    from older people as co-investigators Researching Age-Friendly Communities ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This guide to working with older people as co-researchers has been produced in partnership with the Manchester ... phases of a research project focusing on developing age-friendly neighbourhoods in Manchester. The guide aims to provide insights into the experiences of older people as they step beyond the traditional

  6. CRS_Dec14_EHRC_Legal_Strategy.pdf

    strategy will build on the existing principles and criteria to set out a clear set of factors which will guide our decision-making process in relation to undertaking caseworks. In the boxes below, please provide ... effective and reflects the limited level of Commission resource. The strategic priority issues which guide our litigation decisions will derive from the Commission’s Strategic Plan, on which we are consulting

  7. Conversation resource - English.pdf

    been during the difficult period of the pandemic. Residents from all-across Wales were asked over Zoom about their experience and have taken their time to share stories with us. The stories and insights ... loss; unable to rely on lipreading and to see people smile. Communicating with distant loved ones via Zoom means although we haven’t always been able to physically be in touch, talking virtually has helped

  8. CRS_May17_Provision_support_adult_carers.pdf

    Carers UK, the Carers Trust, NHS England and Public Health England recently published A practical guide to healthy caring, which provides some steps to achieve this, encouraging people to be proactive in ... support carers to maintain good health and includes measures for promoting resources like the practical guide which can help carers, particularly when they are starting their new role. We therefore recommend

  9. Self Assessment Form for Commissioner ENGLISH.docx

    support improvements to safeguarding by giving people with protected characteristics a stronger voice. Guide to assessment There are challenges in ensuring that there is consistency of scoring in self-assessment ... practice statement, a score should be placed in one of the boxes.Table 1: Self-assessment scoring guide for commissioners ASSESSMENT RANGE OF SCORE THAT CAN BE GIVEN WHAT THIS SCORE MEANS? Good Green

  10. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Ethnic_minorities_Gypsies_and_Travellers.pdf

    care for Gypsies and Travellers, homeless people and sex workers: An evidence-based commissioning guide for Clinical Commissioning Groups and Health & Wellbeing Boards, Greenfields M ( 2009) Falling by ... pp (Perspectives) Leeds City Council (2006) SEEM II Services for elders from ethnic minorities: a guide to good practice in the EU, Leeds: Leeds City Council : 24 pp (+ back pocket insert) Lievesley N

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