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  1. RB_Dec15_Later_life_in_a_digital_world.pdf

    difference in internet use between the youngest and oldest age groups. Virtually all (99 per cent) of young adults have recently used the internet but this falls to just 33 per cent of those aged 75 and over ... more expensive than they need or can afford, or feeling intimidated by very knowledgeable, often young, staff using terms they do not understand. Some Age UKs can provide information about the sort of

  2. RB_Sept12_A_means_to_many_ends_older_workers'_experiences_of_flexible_working.pdf

    all ages agree that having flexibility can improve work–life balance.9 Further research by Brigham Young University in the US,10 conducted across four countries, looked at working from home and found that ... flexibility.’ Especially when combined with flexitime, this can reap staggering rewards. The Brigham Young research also analysed nearly 25,000 IBM employees and found that an individual working from home

  3. CRS_Dec15_Financial_Advice_Market_Review.pdf

    advice. These difficulties are also compounded by digital exclusion. Virtually all (99 per cent) of young adults have recently used the internet, but this falls to 71 per cent of those aged 65 to 74 and just

  4. RB_Oct16_Hidden_in_plain_sight_older_peoples_mental_health.pdf

    2020/21”,25 many of the specific investments are currently weighted towards areas including children, young people and maternal mental health. Older people’s services The Chief Medical Officer’s report on

  5. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    regular policy briefings and press activity to dispel the myth that older workers block jobs for the young. Work & learning 25 Welcome Improving later life Funding and finance Corporate governance Auditors’ ... of two government training contracts, one with the Skills Funding Agency and the other with the young People’s Learning Agency. In 2011/12 retail, trading and training generated income of £54.6 million

  6. RB_June12_delivering_dignity.pdf

    for improving older people’s expectations and sense of self-worth. Links between older people and young people are invaluable, helping to break down prejudice on both sides and fostering understanding. ... difference, the trust quotes author Christine Bryden, who was diagnosed with dementia at a relatively young age and has written about her experience. She has explained why dignified care makes a profound difference

  7. Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    uk/pension-credit/how-to-claim, as long as you have already claimed your State Pension and there are no children or young people to be included in your application. Use our online benefits calculator at

  8. FS16.pdf

    gender transition and reassignment more recently, you may be an older person in most respects but ‘young’ in terms of your experience of living and being in your acquired gender. Given this potential complexity

  9. FS17.pdf

    AFIP, Constant Attendance Allowance ⚫ registered blind or severely sight impaired ⚫ a child or young person under 18 or for whom Child Benefit is being paid ⚫ a joint tenant or co-owner with you who

  10. RB_Oct11_Delivering_The_Equality_Duty.pdf

    There is no evidence that eliminating the jobs of older people creates new opportunities for the young. Older workers and younger workers do not in general compete for the same jobs, so keeping older people

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