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  1. CRS_Oct11_New_challenges_new_chances.pdf

    developing policy and practice. Name: Christopher Brooks Email: Age UK Astral House, 1268 London Road London SW16 4ER T 020 8765 7200 F 020 8765 7211 E ... training system, and to help more people move into employment. • It is an important component of the policy to extend working lives because it will allow people aged 50+ to up-skill and help them remain active

  2. A4 WG Manifesto singleA4 english.pdf

    We believe loneliness and isolation should be addressed as priority public health issues to improve the health and wellbeing of Wales. 75,000 older people in Wales have reported ‘always or often’ feeling lonely – it’s a daily reality for many older people. Feeling lonely is detrimental to the wellbeing of older people and there is increasing evidence of the negative impacts on physical and mental

  3. Friends - Update registration.docx

    interested in: Arts [  ] Campaigns [  ] Events [  ] Fundraising [  ] Information and Advice [  ] Policy/Public Affairs [  ] Physical Activity [  ] Volunteering [  ] Would you like to hear from us, please

  4. A4 WG Manifesto singleA4 WELSH.pdf

    Er mwyn gwella lles ac iechyd Cymru, mae angen gwneud taclo unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd yn flaenoriaeth iechyd cyhoeddus. Mae 75,000 o bobl hyˆn yng Nghymru wedi dweud eu bod yn teimlo yn unig ‘drwy’r amser neu’n aml’ - mae’n reality dyddiol i nifer o bobl hyˆn. Mae teimlo’n unig yn niweidiol i les pobl hyˆn, ac mae yna fwy a mwy o dystiolaeth o’r effeithiau negyddol ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol

  5. RB_June12_delivering_dignity.pdf

    as relevant to other vulnerable groups in the care system. We hope that this will be reflected in policies and practice for their care as well. Many submissions to the consultation called on the Commission ... build on this, rather than casting them as a problem to be solved. Political parties should devise policies that promote the rights of older people and challenge and change attitudes. Awareness of ageism

  6. WRO DT WASP summit 20180928.pdf

    Scams and nuisance calls David Teague Regional Manager, ICO Who is this man? “Cold calling capital of the UK” - ICO, March 2016 11,824 complaints 5,973 automated calls 4,521 TPS complaints 60 spam email calls “I am currently home just post op major surgery and I am finding these calls annoying/and distressing…waking me up when I need to be sleeping” “I have a toddler and an autistic 7 year old.

  7. AC_Flyer_ ENG_06_2021_2.pdf

    at this time. This will go towards a Welsh Government report which may help to shape future care policy. For more info email This is the link to our pilot film taken from

  8. Moving abroad or returning to the UK to live

    affect your pension and income? Can you transfer income and assets to the UK? Will your insurance policies remain valid or will you need new ones? (for example, private medical insurance, life insurance)

  9. Protection from abuse

    details on approaches to safeguarding – including relevant legislation, statutory guidance and policies – together with practical steps that can be taken to stop abuse. Outline help and support that

  10. WASP Summit September 2018 Tarian.pdf

    Wales Against Scams Partnership Cybercrimeand the Vulnerable Detective Sergeant Warren Davies Regional Cyber Crime Unit RCCU-Tarian@south-wales.pnn.police.ukWarren.Davies@south The criminal landscape has changed! Cybercrime UK ROCU Teams • NCCU – National Cyber Crime Unit • Southern Wales ROCU – TARIAN • North East ROCU • North West ROCU - TITAN • Yorkshire and Humberside

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