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  1. RB_July16_Walking_the_tightrope.pdf

    Carers UK for their insight into an often complex issue.’ Baroness Altmann, Minister of State for Pensions Contents Foreword 4 Executive Summary 6 Definitions 8 Introduction 10 Policy context 11 1. C aring ... to implement the kinds of policies recommended in this report so people who want and need to care, saving the State a fortune in the process, have a much better chance of staying in work. Or, if that really

  2. GE 2019 manifesto - English - Final version.pdf

    aged 65 or over. We know the following about their circumstances • money can be tight: 120,000 pensioners in Wales live in poverty • it’s estimated that there were 56,000 households in Wales inhabited ... behind and overlooked The next UK Government must • protect the value of the State Pension for current and future pensioners by retaining the triple lock and universal access to key benefits that help maintain

  3. FS43.pdf

    Housing 9 3.8 Immigration, nationality and asylum 9 3.9 Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans issues 9 3.10 Pensions 9 4 Mediation 9 5 Ombudsman schemes 10 6 Legal aid 10 6.1 Eligibility for legal aid 10 6.2 Legal ... - free service provided by the Money and Pensions Service, giving free information and guidance including on pension issues and pension disputes. ⚫ - Welsh Government website

  4. Ageism

    Some examples of ageism include: losing a job because of your age being refused interest-free credit, a new credit card, car insurance or travel insurance because of your age receiving a lower quality of service

  5. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    fallen victim to losing savings.  Recent reforms to private pensions make it likely that people retiring will be targeted by fraudsters who know that they can now draw all their pensions in cash.  There is ... people. Age UK is particularly concerned that recent changes to private pensions allowing people aged 55+ to take all their pension savings in cash will encourage the scammers to target this age group even more

  6. FS42w.pdf

    Budgeting Loans from the Social Fund scheme (operated by the Department for Work & Pensions – DWP) 47 13.3 The Welsh Government’s Discretionary Assistance ... 13 of 62  Someone’s “basic entitlement” (this is either the level of Pension Credit Guarantee Credit that someone receives, or if not getting this benefit, an equivalent amount worked out

  7. Carers Guide (Eng) Nov 22.pdf

    unpaid carers provide 96% of all care provided in our communities in Wales, and that collectively they save public services a massive £8 billion each year. Providing care for someone can sometimes be difficult ... benefit calculator you’ll need accurate information about your: • Savings • Income, including your partner’s income • Existing benefits and pensions (including anyone living with you) • Outgoings such as rent/mortgage

  8. annual_review_2011_2012.pdf

    collective call to slow down the rise in retirement ages and to introduce a fair and simple single-tier pension. Money matters Highlights With the support of local Age UKs we helped older people claim £140 million ... Government amendment to the Pensions Bill – a £1.2 billion spending commitment to stop the retirement age rising as quickly as planned. We called for a simpler, fairer State Pensions and the Government plans

  9. FS65.pdf

    Life expectancy 7 3.8 Welfare benefits 7 3.9 Benefit checks 8 3.10 Impact of equity release on Pension Credit 8 3.11 Mortgage interest relief 9 3.12 Charges for care services 10 3.13 Inflation 11 3.14 Tax ... your money. Age UK has factsheets on social security benefits including Attendance Allowance, Pension Credit, and Council Tax as well as dealing with debt, and funding for repairs, improvements and adaptations

  10. IG05.pdf

    16. Email and online scams. 21. Relationship scams. 24. Identity theft. 26. Investment and pension scams. 29. Avoiding and dealing with scams. Reporting a scam. 33. Top tips. 35. Useful organisations ... order to get money out of you. Find out more on page 10. 9 Investment and pension scams. Scammers may try to steal your pension, perhaps by offering seemingly attractive but fraudulent investment opportunities

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