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  1. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    over 40 developing countries. The challenges spelt out in this report are principally for the UK Government and Parliament. For more information about the policy priorities of our partners, see the following ... sustainability. • The independent sector is an important partner in the delivery of services, but the Government must work with regulators to ensure key industries such as care providers and utility companies

  2. IG31.pdf

    chartered legal executive. It’s important to check that they’re regulated with the relevant professional body, such as the Solicitors Regulation Authority (page 28). Lawyers charge either a fixed fee or an hourly ... location or specialism. • If there isn’t someone who can act as an executor for you, there’s a government official called the Public Trustee who can do so. However, it’s worth noting that their fees are

  3. CRS_Nov17_women_and_equalities_select_committee.pdf

    people to work longer – particularly those in lower-skilled roles – should be a top priority across Government.  We continue to support the aims of the Fuller Working Lives strategy, and believe it has been ... often few and far between, but are essential if people are to work for longer. We recommend the Government focusses policy on improving engagement among older workers, whether through public or employer

  4. RB_June11_the_way_we_pay.pdf

    32 How do people pay now? 34 Older people’s priorities 44 Attitudes to change 51 4 The role of government 56 What can we learn from other sectors? 56 5 Recommendations for further research 59 Appendix ... Friends Provident Foundation who funded the research. And we hope that our ten recommendations for Government and the payments industry will be debated and acted on. Tom Wright CBE Group Chief Executive 4

  5. IG07.pdf

    with the care provider, raise it with them. If you’re unhappy with the response, contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (page 42). In Wales, contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales ... 8036 5400. Admiral Nurse helpline: 0800 888 6678. Department for Communities. Government department responsible for social security benefits and pensions in Northern Ireland. Contact them

  6. RB_Sept16_Age_UK_Briefing_Transport_infrastructure.pdf

    their communities. Background Responsibility for transport crosses national and local government, the private and the community sector, which means that it can be difficult to implement improvements ... and, in some cases, their attitudes towards disabled people”. Key arguments  National and local government must take into account the needs and views of older people in all transport planning  Free local

  7. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    UK law to be overridden if it conflicts with directly enforceable EU law. Private individuals and bodies are not public authorities for the purposes of the HRA unless they are performing a public function ... adopting this framework the services themselves should be improved for everyone. The HRA requires public bodies to act preventatively to ensure that the right systems are in place rather than, as is the case under

  8. are_you_listening_interactive.pdf

    A booklet produced for statutory bodies on the effective engagement of older people Are you listening? Acknowledgements This booklet has been produced in partnership between Age UK, South East Network ... people are involved in the planning and delivery of local services, this policy is backed by a growing body of evidence, which shows that engagement is effective in delivering cost-effective, useful services

  9. Social Care Policy Statement November 2017.pdf

    that they receive. The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 The response of the Welsh Government to the growing demand for social care has been to establish a legal framework to deliver “sustainable ... of the current persistent and significant underfunding of funding for social care.  The Welsh Government and local authorities should ensure that all social care staff in Wales receive mandatory, standardised

  10. FS1w.pdf

    electrical appliances 12 5 Government measures to help with cost of living pressures 13 5.1 Ofgem Price Cap on energy bills 13 5.2 UK Government ‘Energy Price Guarantee’ 14 5.3 UK Government Cost of Living Payments ... Payments 14 5.4 ‘Warm hubs’ 15 6 The Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme 15 6.1 Overview 15 6.2 Eligibility criteria 1: the core Nest scheme – based on receipt of means

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