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  1. IG45.pdf

    bank balance every few days (either at a cash machine, by telephone, on the computer or through a mobile app) to ensure everything is as it should be. • Don’t keep large amounts of cash at home, even if

  2. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    Currently only 740,000 (3.4 per cent ) of homes have the four recommended features for someone with mobility problems to visit (level access, flush threshold, WC at entry level, circulation space).10 Government ... criteria11 that would make it much easier and less costly to adapt a house for people who develop a mobility problem or disability in later life. Inaccessible housing should not force anyone out of their home

  3. RB_Feb13_Understanding_the_oldest_old_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    Loneliness and isolation tends to increase the older we get, as we lose social networks, friends, and mobility. Even those surrounded by others, such as in a care home, can feel lonely; people may need to be ... what’s possible. Challenging balance and co-ordination, within safe limits, preserves functional mobility and reduces falls. For frailer individuals, this needs tailoring by health professionals. Ignore

  4. RB_July11_Ageing_well_Improving_Later_Life_Book.pdf

    saying, almost, that activity and mobility are highly prized by most older people as the keys to an independent and meaningful life. This is underlined by the need for mobility in modern urban societies in ... restrictions on mobility tend to make it even more significant. Social relationships and activities are at the centre of a good quality of life in older age, alongside good health and mobility. These are regarded

  5. Community_Energy_Programme_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    conditions and over half with Arthritis and mobility; similarly over half of those supported by Energy advisers in Teeside suffered from Arthritis and mobility problems. Table 6: Socio-Demographic Information ... 3% 16% 10% 23% 33% Respiratory condition 0% 8% 16% 12% 19% 36% Arthritis 56% 12% 18% 16% 48% 64% Mobility 54% 9% 31% 31% 43% 55% Other (specify) 28% 0% 18% 4% 8% 68% Notes: monitoring data was not recorded

  6. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    also increasing.9 Traveling to health clinics and hospitals can be impossible for older people with mobility problems or if transport is difficult to afford. We said we would… work with and through HelpAge ... our website for use on mobile and tablets so people can access and effectively navigate our website from a variety of devices. The number of people visiting our website on mobile devices such as smartphones

  7. RB_June16_Age_UK_Discharge_From_Hospital_Briefing.pdf

    callers’ confidentiality. Mary Paul’s wife Mary, 85 years old, is in hospital. She has lost her mobility during her hospital stay. Yesterday the hospital told him Mary was ready for discharge today and ... Nobody has assessed what she will need to help her recover at home, whether she can regain her mobility, or what adaptations are available to help them manage. Paul was able to delay the discharge for

  8. CRS_Dec11_Building_mutual_post_office.pdf

    and are therefore particularly important in serving the needs of people in later life with limited mobility due to ill health or low income. The post office remains popular and continues to be trusted and ... is particularly a problem for those people in later life who face additional barriers of limited mobility, poor health, low incomes and shrinking social contact. The loss of local post offices has been

  9. IG15.pdf

    help avoid constipation. • Staying active helps keep your bowel healthy. For tips on keeping fit and mobile in a way that works for you, see our guide Healthy living. Get in touch with your local council or

  10. FS76w.pdf

    a call to a standard 01 or 02 number. They will also be automatically included in any landline or mobile inclusive minutes package). You can also:  email us at; or  visit our website

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