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  1. Employment and Contribution policy statement - September 2019.pdf

    while, for others, a combination of economic factors and policies such as the raising of the State Pension Age mean that continuing to work is a financial imperative. The increase in employment rates among ... themselves unemployed, is increasingly crucial as a result of demographic change and the rising State Pension Age. 1Centre for Health Economics and Medicines

  2. FS17.pdf

    partner if you have one, are over State Pension age. This is currently 66 years. If you are under State Pension age, refer to factsheet 56, Benefits for people under State Pension age. The information in this ... organisations section. Age UK factsheet 17 April 2024 Housing Benefit Page 2 of 30 Contents 1 What is Housing Benefit? 4 2 Who qualifies for HB? 4 2.1 Basic requirements 4 2.2 State Pension age 5 2.3 Mixed age

  3. Fair Work Commission call for evidence on fair work in Wales - November 2018.pdf

    while, for others, a combination of economic factors and policies such as the raising of the State Pension Age mean that continuing to work is a financial imperative. More people are continuing to work ... work in older age with just over 1.2 million people currently working past this age in the UK.1 In Wales, 61,000 people aged 65 and over were employed in March 2016, an increase of 23% over three years (though

  4. Autumn_Budget_2017_briefing.pdf

    Contact: 2 The Autumn Budget on 22 November was notable mainly for what it did not say, and in particular neither social care nor pensioners received a mention. However, our ... You can see the full Budget documents here: Age UK’s media response “At Age UK we worry most of all about the millions of older people in

  5. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2015_2016.pdf

    report 29 Corporate governance Independent Auditor’s report 34 Auditors report to the members of Age UK Financial Statements 35 Group statement of financial activities 36 Balance sheet 37 Group cash flow ... details 72 Thank you About Age UK Age UK, its subsidiary charities and trading companies are all dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We are national In the UK, we help over seven million

  6. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    Nicole, 67 2 Age UK. Love later life We are many things to many people Ageing is different for everyone and, of course, the challenges and the demands are different for everyone too. At Age UK we are many things ... world where everyone can love later life. We are local, national and international The Age UK Group comprises of Age UK and its subsidiary companies and charities, all dedicated to helping people love later

  7. RB_June11_job_blocking_briefing.pdf

    misapprehension, known to economists as the “lump of labour fallacy”, was once used to argue that women should stay at home and leave all the jobs for breadwinning males. Now lump-of-labourites say that ... labour’ theory, it still resurfaces in economic and wider policy debates from time to time. In the UK some commentators have again begun referring to it to explain the high rates of youth unemployment

  8. RB_Dec15_The_end_of_formal_social_care.pdf

    Ben Franklin The end of formal adult social care A provocation by the ILC-UK December 2015 I 2 I ILC-UK The end of formal adult social care About the Centre for Later Life ... publication from The Centre for Later Life Funding, which in turn, sits under the guise of the ILC-UK. The Centre is, in part, a continuation of its predecessor body the Care Funding Advice Network (CFAN)

  9. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    – Rapid review June 2014    Using housing wealth and other assets to pay for care Summary  • In the UK, personal wealth , including housing wealth, is greatest in older age, driven by the natural lifec ...  Technical briefing document  2    Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review June 2014    Household wealth in the UK  Wealth, like Space, is ‘big, really big’.4   In 2010‐12 aggregate total wealth from all sources, 

  10. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2016_2017.pdf

    report 22 Corporate governance 30 Independent Auditor’s Report Auditor’s report to the members of Age UK 38 Financial Statements Group statement of financial activities 40 Balance sheet 41 Group cash flow ... 80 Thank you 82 Contents Age UK, its subsidiary charities and trading companies are all dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We are national In the UK, we help over 7 million people

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