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  1. Help us tackle loneliness

    crisis in the UK. Being lonely affects your health, your wellbeing and the way you see yourself. It can make you feel invisible and forgotten.

  2. 6 Care home volunteer application form (1).pdf

    satisfaction knowing your contribution counts Please complete this application form as well as you can. Contact us with any queries – we will be pleased to assist. You will be notified when your DBS application ... we require references and checks under our safeguarding practices. Although they take time, this means we can provide safe and rewarding experiences for you as a volunteer and our older people Please

  3. Joe Powell.pdf

    Why Self-Advocacy? Joe Powell, Chief Executive All Wales People First What is All wales People First? • National Umbrella Group of self-advocacy groups in Wales. • National ... What is People First? • The Beginning – Oregon • International Political and Rights Movement • Self-advocacy What is Self-Advocacy? •Not Advocacy

  4. Falls Prevention

    Why talk about falls? There are many organisations and services that can support you with reducing your risk of a fall. Talking about even the ‘little’ falls - the 'just a stumble' that didn’t ... things that you can do to keep yourself from falling. After all, falls are not an inevitable part of growing older. Stay active As we get older, our muscle strength and balance reduces, which can lead to a fall

  5. Bob Ray

    organisation. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? I find volunteering fulfilling both physically and mentally as a positive means of occupying spare ‘retired’ time that has become ... become available. What do you enjoy most about your volunteering experience? Passing on skills taught via AC to reach out to the community helping others to improve their daily lives through gentle social

  6. Bysiau - gwasanaeth allweddol i bobl hyn.pdf

    1 Bysiau – gwasanaeth allweddol i bobl hŷn Adroddiad gan Sefydliad Bevan ar gyfer Age Cymru Rhagfyr 2013 Cynnwys Crynodeb gweithredol ................................................ ... hanfodol ....................................................................... 12 3.4 Dewisiadau amgen i ddulliau teithio arferol ...................................................... 15 3.5 Casgliadau .

  7. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2021-22 E FINAL.pdf

    find opportunities in the area and to contact the relevant people. Mr L lacked the confidence to know what to say, and how to take his application forward in the best possible way. He was feeling lonely and ... Q was a carer to an old family friend, but he lived some distance from her home, and she had to travel there every day. During lockdown, she had moved into his spare bedroom so that she could continue

  8. Survey Outline Covid 19 v4.docx

    Lockdown A1. During the lockdown I was part of ashieldedgroupYes No A2. During the lockdown I lived with someone who waspart of a shieldedgroupYes No A3. During the lockdown I wasselfisolatingYes No A4. ... IlivealoneYes No A5. I accesstheinternetYes No If yes, I access theinternet via:Computer Smart Phone Tablet If no, do you think it would have beenhelpfulto have access to theinternet?Yes No Your

  9. Intergenerational falls prevention

    impact that this could have on people, how they can support friends, relatives and loved ones to reduce their risk of falling over and think about how they can age healthily and prevent falling over in their

  10. Rebecca Bennett

    exercise. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? It has allowed me to give something back. I benefited from the programme now I give others the opportunity to benefit as well. What do you ... outdoors and the pleasure I see on the faces of the walkers especially when they return to walk with us again. They walk into the centre smiling and greeting other walkers, it’s great. What would you say to someone

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