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  1. WRO DT WASP summit 20180928.pdf

    son becoming distressed. It’s not okay” £200,000 Help Direct UK Unsolicited text messages £225,000 Save Britain Money Live marketing calls £9,264,500 in penalties to date £120,000 Oxygen Ltd Lead generation

  2. Spring 2022 Newsletter v4.pdf

    their income by checking their entitlements. We know for example that 40% of people entitled to Pension Credit are not receiving it, often because they think they won’t get it and so don’t claim. So please ... from Age Cymru Spring Edition 2022 Charity calls on Welsh Government to include older people on pension credit within the Winter Fuel Support Scheme Age Cymru recently joined forces with the Older People’s

  3. FS82.pdf

    in energy prices has meant that there are fewer tariffs on offer than usual, and switching may not save you any money. It is important to seek impartial advice before switching, for example from the Citizens ... current energy situation Switching energy supplier or tariff has historically been an easy way to save money on bills. However, the recent energy price rises means there are fewer deals on offer than usual

  4. IG02.pdf

    Published: June 2024 3 Contents What this guide is about 4 Money and legal issues Your benefits and pension 6 Your will 7 If you have a partner Marriage and civil partnership 8 Financial and legal considerations ... benefits and pension. There are lots of different benefits available – and you might qualify for more than one. You could be able to get: • Attendance Allowance if you’re over State Pension age (66 years

  5. RB_June14_financial_resilience_in_later_life.pdf

    Cheshire and Age UK’s engagement and research teams for organising the sessions • BritainThinks, the Pensions Policy Institute, and Age UK’s research team for carrying out research for the Commission • Macmillan ... now face the daunting challenge of deciding not just the best way to convert their accumulated savings into a sustainable income, but also to consider their health and wealth issues over a 30–40 year

  6. annual_review_2013_2014.pdf

    highlights 5 million people given information and advice. Influenced the increase of coverage of social pension schemes in 14 low and middle income countries. 5 million unique visitors to Funded ... pockets by finding millions of pounds of benefits they’re entitled to, campaign to improve pensions and tackle pensioner poverty to ensure that everyone has a sufficient income and, through our information and

  7. Age Cymru – May 2022 - Consultation response - Economic and rural impact of cost of living pressures - The Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee.pdf

    living, especially energy prices, my husband constantly feels cold, so we need to heat our home. Our pension is not being increased to cover the rise in the cost of living.’ ‘Heating costs; have been very ... having to 'rob Peter to pay Paul'. They've had to go into their overdraft at times and have no savings left. It needs to be emphasised that cost of living hasn’t suddenly become an issue for older people

  8. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    moment we received a unicorn in the post 1 The moment the Prime Minister popped in to talk about pensions 2 The moment we helped Anna get back on her bike 3 The moment 1,000 older people took control of ... 6 7 The moment the Prime Minister popped in to talk about pensions In October 2014, following the Government’s announcement about new pension reforms, the Prime Minister and two of his senior ministers

  9. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    partners and our national advice line, we let 136,000 people know how to change their supplier and save money through energy efficiency. An estimated 180,000 people tuned in to hear our radio station, The ... the next 20 years and nearly treble in the next 30 years.3 We believe that all current and future pensioners should have sufficient income from state and private sources to live comfortably and participate

  10. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    rt for these better off people in older age  or is it unfair to not help an older person who has saved and accumulated assets while, at the same time, helping someone with the same life‐time income  w ... ord residential care without selling their  home, 60% of older people have less than £25,000 in savings (around 1 year in care) while 80% have less than £75,000 (around 3 years in care – the average  stay)1

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