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  1. Winter 2023 v7.pdf

    tackle the loneliness crisis. Could grandchildren help reduce the risk of falls around your home? Young people in your life can play a vital role in helping to reduce the risk of falls simply by spotting

  2. RB_Nov14_Richmond_Group_What_is_preventing_progress.pdf

    Executive Rethink Mental Illness Arlene Wilkie Chief Executive The Neurological Alliance Barbara Young Chief Executive Diabetes UK Jon Barrick Chief Executive The Stroke Association 6 What is preventing ... Dagenham improve their heart health • Running weight management courses for overweight children and young people in Scotland • Helping people with learning disabilities and their carers live healthier

  3. RB_Sept13_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    connectedness between young volunteers and older people, bridging differences in age, ethnicity and culture and challenging negative stereotypes. The programme aimed to help young people (aged 16-19) to ... enabling older people to use digital technology more confidently and promoting volunteering among young people”. The evaluation report found: “MiCommunity has the potential to create significant and lasting

  4. RB_June15_The_Future_of_Transport_in_an_Ageing_Society.pdf

    older people in our population continues to increase, this transport must not be exclusive to the young or the able-bodied. Analysis from KPMG and Greener Journeys has shown that concessionary travel for ... transport in rural areas? Community car sharing schemes present an opportunity to help both old and young in rural communities… The potential exists in rural communities of a mutually beneficial trade – older

  5. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    and low/moderate alcohol consumption – led to significant reductions (between 64 and 73 %) in the onset of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and dementia (Elwood et al., 2013). There is support ... between 33 and 50 per cent. It has also been identified that increased physical activity can delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, alongside reducing the risk of falls (Walking Works, 16 2013)

  6. Commissioning IPA Toolkit English Oct 19.pdf

    making decisions about what services are required to respond to the social care needs of children and young people in need and adults in Wales. It also involves making decisions about the capacity, location ... advice when they needed it • PM9 People reporting they were treated with dignity and respect • PM10 Young adults reporting they received advice, help and support to prepare them for adulthood • PM12 People

  7. A One-Stop-Shop guide for unpaid carers in Wales - June 2023.pdf

    couples may be providing care for each other, or so-called ‘sandwich carers’ who could be looking after young children whilst also caring for older relatives, friends, or neighbours. Supporting Carers Caring

  8. RB_July15_Researching_Age-Friendly_Communities.pdf

    meet the needs of both long-term residents as well as those who are highly mobile (e.g. students, young professionals). The two groups may, however, have different degrees of commitment and contrasting ... social work at Manchester University for seven years. She has been active in the community from a young age. Joan Gem is a seventy-one year old Whalley Range resident and a co-researcher in the agefriendly

  9. RB_May14_CPA_Changing_family_structures.pdf

    tner or remarry. Secondly, divorced, separated and remarried  parents not co‐residing with their young children often cannot establish and maintain long‐lasting relationships with them. They have fewer contacts with  ... ' (Peter Townsend, 1957); and `Family and class in a London suburb'  (Peter Willmott and Michael Young, 1960). A social network approach was used to explore how  households have changed, how relations have changed

  10. FS49.pdf

    based on whether you are single or a couple and whether you are responsible for a child or qualifying young person. An advance is reduced by any capital you or your partner has. These are interest free and

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