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  1. Age Cymru Activity Cards_cARTrefu_W.pdf

    Mae’r sesiynau hyn wedi cael eu symleiddio a’u codio o ran lliw yn awr ar gyfer y pecyn yma. Pwrpas y cardiau hyn yw eich helpu chi i gynnal eich sesiynau cARTrefu eich hun, fel gofalwr neu breswylydd ... pecyn yma? Mae’r pecyn yma’n cynnwys nifer o weithgareddau i chi roi cynnig arnyn nhw. Mae’r gweithgareddau wedi’u rhannu o dan bedair ffurf ar gelf, gyda phob un yn lliw gwahanol. Mae’r gweithgareddau

  2. Advocacy Zcard (ew2).pdf

    or what will happen next • I am not able to say what matters to me especially when lots of people are telling me what would be best for me. • I need someone independent to help me say how I feel • Sometimes ... services Understand what’s happening at meetings or appointments Be represented in meetings so your views are heard Say what matters to you in meetings or sit alongside you to give you support Be clear about what

  3. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    the research team throughout the project, and provided appropriate data and information. The authors are also grateful to all those involved in the fit for the future programme who generously gave their time ... their fruit and vegetable intake over the 9 month survey period. Case study participants attending classes on nutrition and healthy eating highlighted that they gained new information and experiences about

  4. Gwanwyn-Festival-2019-Information-Pack.pdf

    Gwanwyn Festival 2019 Community Grants Information Pack Gwanwyn is a month-long national festival held across Wales in May each year celebrating creativity in older age. The aim of the festival is to: ... competitive fund. The total fund available for the entire programme is £20,000. Applications to the scheme are oversubscribed so please ensure your application is completed 2 | P a g e and explained to the best

  5. Gwanwyn Festival 2020 Information Pack.pdf

    Gwanwyn Festival 2020 Community Grants Information Pack Gwanwyn is a month-long national festival held across Wales in May each year celebrating creativity in older age. The aim of the festival is to: ... competitive fund. The total fund available for the entire programme is £20,000. Applications to the scheme are oversubscribed so please ensure your application is completed 2 | Page and explained to the best

  6. Being a friend.pdf

    ‘Friend’ necessary? • Many people in Wales have family nearby who are their support during this time, but others, individuals or couples, who are social distancing, self-isolating or shielding and don’t have ... fyddai bod heb ‘Gyfaill’? • Gallai pobl ddod yn unig a chynyddol ofnus, a allai gael effaith niweidiol ar eu hiechyd meddwl. • O bosibl, gallai pobl fod mewn risg uwch o bobl ddiegwyddor nad ydynt yn eu hadnabod

  7. IG14.pdf

    lots of us may start to feel a bit unsteady on our feet and become worried about falling. But there are simple things you can do to help yourself feel more confident and avoid a slip or fall. Having a fall ... and checking your home is safe. There are things that can help you stay independent for longer and make day-to-day life that bit easier. This symbol indicates where information differs for Wales and Northern

  8. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter May 2021.pdf

    gwirfoddolwyr ‘Wrth bori drwy Facebook un noson fe wnes i daro ar draws neges yn disgrifio prosiect eiriolaeth newydd gydag Age Cymru - Prosiect HOPE. Ar ôl gweithio mewn rôl gefnogol o'r blaen, roeddwn i'n meddwl ... hyn fod yn rhywbeth y byddai gennyf ddiddordeb ei wneud. Felly, cysylltais ag Age Cymru a dechreuais ar fy nhaith i fod yn wirfoddolwr Prosiect HOPE. Mae'n daith sydd wedi bod yn bleserus, yn heriol ac yn

  9. Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy Project Brochure - FINAL ENGLISH.pdf

    working in third sector organisations, is vital for us to make sure that the people they support who are living with dementia have the chance to be heard in all aspects of their lives. The advocacy we deliver ... stay connected to the things that matter most to them and to know their rights and make sure they are respected and upheld. Working holistically and taking a whole person approach means our skilled dementia

  10. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter May 2021.pdf

    volunteers and meeting so many people, staff and other volunteer in committees and meetings. I feel we are one big caring family - growing and learning together as we reach out to offer hope to those who need ... being trained, gave feedback on where and how it needed to be improved. The feedback was incorporated into the sessions going forward. The induction training is held over two days and is a total of

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