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  1. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_E.pdf

    Birds can be a great theme for a creative session. Begin by asking your residents a question such as ‘What’s your favourite bird?’ Next, talk to your residents about their memories of birds, the sounds different ... birds: ‘Like a duck to water’ ‘Wise as an owl’ ‘ What’s good for the goose is good for the gander’ Any words, memories or stories can be displayed on paper, written into a short poem or made into a bird-shaped

  2. IG50.pdf

    Extra money if you’re on a low income. Pension Credit. 2 What is Pension Credit? Pension Credit is a means-tested benefit for older people. This means that what you get depends on your income and your savings ... Pension. You may be eligible for one or both parts. How much is it worth? Depending on your eligibility, you can claim one or both parts of Pension Credit. The amounts depend on whether you’re single or a couple

  3. 12 Age Cymru toolkit Basic Safeguarding .pdf

    safeguarding Covering organisations policy and procedures including • What is safeguarding • Principles of safeguarding • Human rights • What is abuse and types of abuse • The bystander effect • Age Cymru’s ... Cymru’s procedures when responding to disclosures of abuse and safeguarding concerns Feedback “For what can be an intense session with a lot of information, the trainer constantly checked in to make sure that

  4. IPA and IAA handout.docx

    to care and support. Staff working in IAA services may need to refer some people to an IPA service. What process should be followed to decide when a referral should be made?  The Social Services and Well-being ... the social services system, including at their first point of contact. The Part 10 Code of Practice on Advocacy (“the Code”) states:   Para 47. Local authorities must arrange for the provision of an independent

  5. Principles of the Act - Handout.pdf

    1 Handout on principles of the Act The Act is built on the following core principles: • Voice and control – putting an individual and their needs at the centre of their care and support, with voice and ... of Welsh or English. As a result, care and support services will need to have an even greater focus on maximising people’s independence – helping people remain or become a bigger part of their communities

  6. FAW Briefing - 2021 - English.pdf

    Briefing Building on past successes and aligned with prudent healthcare approaches, we are putting our older citizens at the heart of #FallsAwareness2021 week. Our campaign is called Steady on Stay Safe. This ... This is a systematic, public health approach based on similar, very successful, attempts at reaching as many older people in the community as can be reached, comparable to community deployment in Canterbury

  7. FAQ - care home volunteer project.pdf

    need to have had both Covid-19 Vaccinations? We ask that you inform us of what vaccine(s) you have had and when. You can do this on your application form. 2. Will I need to take a Covid test and wear PPE ... Age Cymru will provide you with a T-shirt and a lanyard with your name and role clearly stated. 4. What training will I receive? Age Cymru will offer you Safeguarding training and further details about

  8. FAQ.pdf

    need to have had both Covid-19 Vaccinations? We ask that you inform us of what vaccine(s) you have had and when. You can do this on your application form. 2. Will I need to take a Covid test and wear PPE ... will provide you with a T-shirt, (mask) and a lanyard with your name and role clearly stated. 4. What training will I receive? Age Cymru will offer you training in essential subjects like Safeguarding

  9. age_cymru_manifesto_ENG.pdf

    Creating an age friendly WalesManifesto 2021 Who we are and what we do Age Cymru’s vision is of an age friendly Wales where everyone enjoys good health and social care, lives safely, is free from discrimination ... issues we are experiencing are recognised in plans for Covid reconstruction. 1 Poverty and voice What’s the issue? • There is an ongoing inequality of access to advocacy for all older people in Wales

  10. 6 Care home volunteer application form (1).pdf

    people Please write in block letters, using black ink, or type. Where necessary continue your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Surname First Name / middle name Address: Post Code: Telephone number ... strictest confidence Interests and Skills What inspires you to volunteer with a Care Home? What are your interests? Skills What skills could you offer?  Art  Craft  Conversation

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