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  1. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter May 2023.pdf

    Body (CVB) will represent the voices and opinions of the people of Wales in respect of health and social care services. It’ll be independent of Government, the NHS and local authorities but work with them ... Llais, the new national independent body for health and social care in Wales. We believe in a healthier Wales where people using health and social care services are heard and valued. Llais launched in

  2. CF recruitment pack 2023_English.pdf

    has a detrimental effect on health and wellbeing. We have seen unprecedented demands on health and social care services. Some routine health checks and treatment were suspended during the emergency. We expect ... the way we provide help and support. Our team has been imaginative and what are normally inperson activities have often been adapted to an online environment. Importantly, Age Cymru has responded to the

  3. CRS_July15_Older_peoples_independence_and_mental_wellbeing.pdf

    is currently developing a public health guideline on independence and mental wellbeing (including social and emotional wellbeing) for older people, which is due to be published in November 2015. As part ... Ensuring loneliness is more explicitly referred to and making a clear distinction between loneliness and social isolation;  Highlighting the role of psychological approaches in supporting older people’s mental

  4. National organisations for older people

    org If you would like to contact NPC Wales please email Active Wales : Retired from Work, not from Life Active Wales is the new name for the National Old Age Pensioners Association of ... in Wales, founded in 1939. Active Wales is primarily a campaigning organisation, striving to improve the quality of life for all pensioners. If you would like to contact Active Wales please email activewales@gmail

  5. A One-Stop-Shop guide for unpaid carers in Wales - June 2023.pdf

    in Wales. A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in Wales 5 Your rights 1 Courtesy of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014. As a carer, you have certain rights that can help make your ... employer or arrange respite care to give you a break • Have your views taken into consideration by social services when they’re deciding how best to meet the needs of the person you care for. The Welsh Government

  6. RB_June16_Age_Friendly_Places_guide.pdf

    Friendly Places’ are communities where age is not a barrier to living well and where the environment, activities and services support and enable older people to: Have opportunities to enjoy life and feel well ... age. These can include physical design, promoting better access and mobility, promoting people’s social engagement and developing support and relationships between the generations. The most important

  7. RB_March12_Getting_out_and_about.pdf

    without easy access to a car, having accessible and affordable public transport is vital to leading an active and independent life. The national bus concession means people in later life are able to reach key ... life need to be recognised in all transport policy. Summary Public transport is vital to leading an active and independent life 4 This policy report is based on two recent research projects commissioned by

  8. Armed Forces pensions

    available when they turn 60 but they won’t receive it automatically, they’ll have to actively make a claim. What is the War Pension scheme and who can claim? If an individual believes they have ... (MOD). They can claim for injuries or illness that occurred during their service, including during activities such as training and recognised sports, they don’t need to have been caused by conflict.

  9. Preserving what matters report v5.pdf

    may also mean stopping a particular activity or responsibility that was important to that individual. Many people likewise gain meaning from participating in social groups or their wider community and ... to a life without them once they move to a care home. Having the freedom to choose our activities, routines, social interactions, living spaces, clothing and many other aspects of daily life is vital to

  10. 20171901Chargingforcareandsupport.pdf

    respond to the consultation on new regulations to introduce changes to local authority charging for social care and support. Are there any consequences of the decision to increase the capital limit that ... our key concern is to ensure that the social care system is funded to meet the needs of our ageing population. It is vital that all older people have access to social care that is tailored to meet their

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