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  1. Age Cymru Response - Costofcaringforanageingpopulation.pdf

    result in people being faced with little actual choice, and having to arrange third-party top-up payments in order to stay living locally or moving to an unfamiliar location that may be far away from friends ... individual’s and their relatives’ ability to pay prior to placing a person in a home requiring third party payments, it is nevertheless found that relatives can be issued with unexpected bills. Age Cymru has been

  2. FS29w.pdf

    assistance towards your care fees from the outset 36 6.6 Third party ‘top-up’ payments for more expensive accommodation 38 6.7 When the NHS makes the arrangement ... Code of Practice on the exercise of social services functions in relation to Part 4 (direct payments and choice of accommodation) and Part 5 (charging and financial assessment) of the Social Services

  3. Social care funding policy statement.pdf

    to engage in this debate. This framework sets out principles on which Age Cymru believes any new payment mechanism should be based, and provides a starting point for Age Cymru to influence policy and develop ... Code of Practice must be followed by all Councils consistently and fairly.  While the Deferred Payments scheme is in place, awareness of this facility and its conditions should be improved, and all Councils

  4. FS89w.pdf

    payments – mortgage arrears / repossession 20 4.8 Risk of eviction where you rent your home, but the landlord is behind on their mortgage payments 22 4.9 Unsuitable ... an offence for landlords or letting agents to charge a contract-holder any payment that is not specified as a ‘permitted payment’ by the legislation. Charges that are not permitted include accompanied viewings

  5. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    make a real difference to being able to deal with emergency expenditure or in meeting more regular payments. • People were very concerned about the current economic climate. They were anxious about being ... was to be selective about payment methods. Some preferred dealing mainly in cash; others found direct debits useful for many regular items in order not to get behind with payments. Credit cards, which some

  6. RB_Jan16_Age_UK_Briefing_Opposition_Day_Debate_Housing.pdf

    protected from housing benefit reforms and the introduction of the ‘spare room subsidy’, which limits payments if someone is considered to have more bedrooms than they need. There are worries that these restrictions

  7. FS69.pdf

    can take court action to recover the debt. It can harm your credit rating if you fall behind with payments. If you are struggling to pay your water bill, contact your water company to see how they can help ... arrears and claim certain benefits such as Pension Credit, you may be able to arrange to have regular payments (‘Water Direct’) from your benefits paid directly to your water company. Age UK factsheet 69

  8. IL6.pdf

    also make regular payments towards the interest – see our Equity release factsheet for more information. Rolled up interest means that, while you don’t have to make regular interest payments, you’ll end up ... Advantages of a lifetime mortgage:. • You can get a tax-free lump sum as well as smaller, regular payments to supplement your income in retirement. Also, you can usually continue to live in your home until

  9. FS41w.pdf

    4 of 68 11.2 Receiving care in a care home or nursing home 42 11.3 Direct payments – an alternative way to arrange services to meet your eligible care needs ... adaptations in Wales;  67w Home improvements and repairs for older people in Wales;  24w Direct payments for community care services in Wales;  76w Reablement, intermediate care and preventative services

  10. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    suggests that annuities help people with this, as people have an over propensity to spend lump sum payments as they are seen as ‘available for immediate spending’ while annuities are seen as ‘retirement income’ ... even if they have already started claiming it. • The whole of the State Pension and any additional payments (such as the Additional State Pension) on top must be deferred – consumers cannot defer only part

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