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  1. Eatwell_guide_colour.pdf

    C r is p s Raisins F r o z e n p e a s Lentils Soya drink C o u s C o u s pasta Whole wheat B a g e l s P o r r i d g e L o w f a t s o f t c h e e s e T u n a P l ai n n u ts p e a s C h ic k Semi milk skimmed C h o p p e d t o m a t o e s l o w e r s a lt a n d s u g a r B e a n s Whole grain cereal P ot a to es Spaghetti L o w f a t P l a in y o g h u r t Lean mince Lower fat spread Sauce O i

  2. Cardiovascular Exercises.pdf

    Cardiovascular (CV) activities are designed to work the heart and lungs harder than normal. Participants should naturally start to feel warmer and breathe faster and harder but still always be able to hold a conversation. MARCHING IN PLACE  Stand tall or sit tall in a chair  Lift feet alternately up and down off the floor in a marching action  Keep back straight throughout  Try not to

  3. Warm Up Exercises.pdf

    Mobilisers – slow movements All of the following moves can be done in a standing or seated position. Fingers and thumbs  Finger to thumb o Press each finger to the thumb in turn, then reverse  Clench and stretch o Make a fist then stretch the fingers and thumbs out as far as possible  Piano playing o Play an imaginary piano keeping the elbows tucked in and the forearm parallel to the floor

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