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  1. Power of Attorney

    There are a number of reasons why you might need someone to make decisions for you, or act on your behalf. A power of attorney can make decisions for you.

  2. Walking Groups

    friendly, specially trained volunteers who will provide support and encouragement, and make sure no one gets left behind and walks at a pace comfortable for them.

  3. Age Cymru – Executive summary - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales.pdf

    packages once an assessment had been completed. These delays have a significant detrimental impact on those individuals waiting, their carers, family and their wider support network. Through our research ... for care service recovery • The help available for older people who are currently waiting for care • What Age Cymru and the third sector could do to support local authorities in recovery. To gather the necessary

  4. 9 Care home volunteer's references form .pdf

    GDPR Statement: (care home) 1. How long have you known the applicant? 2. In what capacity do you know the applicant? 3. What experience do you think the applicant could bring to their role as a volunteer ... qualities a care home would require from a volunteer. Please indicate how you would rate the applicant on each of these: Excellent Poor Trustworthy 5 4 3 2 1 Courteous 5 4 3 2 1 Reliable 5 4 3 2 1 Responsible

  5. Advocacy.pdf

    equal in relationships with others so that they can feel empowered to speak up and be involved based on their own choices and views. It supports people to have their rights upheld, to express their views ... An advocate can help someone to: • Understand what’s happening at meetings or appointments. • Be represented in meetings so their views are heard. • Say what matters to them in meetings or sit alongside

  6. FAW 2019. Take Action Today- patient table cv (2).pdf

    getting up during the night? Do you struggle with stairs/steps? Contact Care & Repair on 0300 111 3333 for advice on adapting your home Urinary tract infection and other infections Are you visiting the ... noticing a change in your eating? Are you drinking enough throughout the day? Keep a food diary of what you eat/drink and when. Share any concerns with your GP who can refer you to a dietician if needed

  7. Advocacy Zcard (ew2).pdf

    help but I don’t know how to go about it or what will happen next • I am not able to say what matters to me especially when lots of people are telling me what would be best for me. • I need someone independent ... to get my point across • I struggle to get people to listen to my views, my wishes and my feelings What difference did an advocate make? “ My advocate was the only person who listened to me and only me

  8. Age Cymru Hope Project FAQs + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    funded by Welsh Government under the Sustainable Social Services Grant until the end of March 2025. 2.What is the purpose of HOPE? • HOPE delivers independent advocacy support at a community level through ... form of statutory advocacy. • HOPE promotes advocacy in all its forms to show how important it is and what a difference it can make. • HOPE has established a programme of training, workshops and events enabling

  9. Citizens Voice Body consultation response - Age Cymru March 2023 (1).pdf

    population. We believe the draft ‘Guidance for Engagement and Consultation on Changes to Health Services,’ and the ‘Statutory Guidance on Representations made by the Citizen Voice Body’ if resourced and embedded ... to be engaged in decisions on health care that matter to them. We welcome the focus within these of ensuring that seldom heard voices are considered and have some suggestions on accessibility of engagement

  10. MCR - JM female case story.pdf

    the older person was before ( not employed/ employed /in need of support), • what they did with the Age at Work programme • what happened as a result. o attitudinal change - feeling more confident, less ... person themselves. 1. At age 53, an employed female attended the Mid-Career Review webinar focusing on Career, Health & Wellbeing. She registered because she was interested in career planning, but was

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