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  1. RB_June13_Problem_debt_among_older_people.pdf

    International Longevity Centre Global Alliance. Our policy remit is broad, and covers everything from pensions and financial planning, to health and social care, housing design, and age discrimination. This ... About ILC-UK 1 Contents Key research findings 2 Introduction 4 Attitudes to debt 6 The use of credit among older people 8 Problem debt 10 Who is more likely to be in debt? 13 Moving into problem

  2. FS69.pdf

    advice May 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet offers tips on reducing water bills and how to save water. It provides information on switching to a meter and how you can get help with the costs of ... bill cap 4 5 Help from Financial Hardship Funds 5 6 Water resale 5 7 Additional support 5 8 Tips for saving water 6 9 Water meters 6 10 Repairing water leaks 8 11 Compulsory metering 8 12 Surface water drainage

  3. 6 myths about claiming Attendance Allowance

    supervision needs. It isn’t means-tested so it doesn’t matter what you earn or how much you have in savings. 3. ‘I can get by without it’ You've paid into the tax system all your life; now it's time to get

  4. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    family and friends 57 Access to networks, information, services, advice and advocacy 59 The role of ‘savings’ 61 Conclusion 62 6 Conclusions 63 References 66 3Living on a low income in later life We would like ... networks made it much harder to manage financially as well as practically. Having even small amounts of savings could also make a real difference to being able to deal with emergency expenditure or in meeting

  5. FS34.pdf

    gives information about Attendance Allowance, a non- means-tested benefit for people over State Pension age (currently 66) who have care needs. It explains what Attendance Allowance is, the eligibility ... claim. It explains what to do if you have a change of circumstance. If you have not reached State Pension age, you are not eligible for Attendance Allowance but you may be able to claim Personal Independence

  6. FS40w.pdf

    income is decided? 24 10.1 Inclusion of notional income in the means test 24 10.2 Notional income and pensions freedoms 25 10.3 If income was converted into capital 25 10.4 Exemptions where notional income shouldn’t ... expected to pay something towards the costs of their accommodation and personal care. Your income, savings and other capital or assets will generally be taken into account in determining how much you should

  7. CRS_April16_cms_energy_market_investigation.pdf

    all customers. Indeed, many people already receive quarterly information showing how much they could save if they switched. Ofgem may need to explore other tactics to provide information effectively and change ... energy suppliers and network operators to assess other data, including Warm Home Discount and Pension Credit recipients, and customers with particular needs captured on priority services registers. We encourage

  8. Blueprint for older people in Wales.pdf

    Persons that would help ensure all older people globally are treated equally in society. 3 4 Tackling pensioner poverty A decent income provides dignity and security, and helps people stay independent and active ... their State Pension Age. We are calling on the next UK Government to: • Commit to the Triple Lock for the duration of the next Parliament • Increase benefit take up, including Pension Credit, through publicity

  9. National organisations for older people

    representatives from various national pensioners organisations and older people's groups. The aims of the Forum are: to work together for the benefit of all pensioners in Wales and to add equality, dignity ... contact Wales Seniors Forum please email National Pensioners Convention (NPC) Wales The National Pensioners Convention is an umbrella organisation made up of affiliated organisations

  10. RB_March12_Getting_out_and_about.pdf

    people to travel off-peak on buses anywhere in England for free. Eligibility is tied to women’s State Pension age for both men and women. It is a crucial universal benefit that is greatly valued by older people ... concession provides free off-peak travel anywhere in England for everyone, once they reach the State Pension age for women. Off-peak bus travel is between 9.30am and 11pm, Monday to Friday, and all day at

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