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  1. CRS_Feb17_CQC_Next_phase_of_regulation_consultation.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Care Quality Commission: Our next phase of regulation – a more targeted, responsive and collaborative approach (cross-sector and NHS trusts) Ref: 0317 Date: February 2017 ... reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy

  2. CRS_Aug17_cqc_next_phase_of_regulation_consultation_2.pdf

    Response Care Quality Commission: Our next phase of regulation (2) – a more targeted, responsive and collaborative approach to regulating in a changing landscape of health and social care Ref: 1717 ... reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy

  3. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    0 Age UK End of Life Evidence Review 2013 Susan Davidson and Tom Gentry End of Life Evidence Review Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................ ... ............................................................................... 1 2 Age and cause of death ............................................................................................

  4. IG02.pdf

    love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining our Readers’ Panel. You don’t need any specialist knowledge at all. Join our Readers’ ... 2) Tell us your story. Have you been affected by any of the issues in this guide? Has Age UK’s information and advice helped? If so, we’d love to hear from you to provide relatable

  5. CRS_Sept15_Care_of_the_dying_adult.pdf

    Care of the Dying Adult Consultation on draft guideline – deadline for comments 5pm on 09/09/2015 email: Please return to: Please ... Please read the checklist for submitting comments at the end of this form. We cannot accept forms that are not filled in correctly. We would like to hear your views on these questions: 1. Which areas will

  6. RB_May14_CPA_Effectiveness_of_care_pathways.pdf

    Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review May 2014      The effectiveness of care pathways in health and social care Background Care pathways, also known as clinical pathways, critical pathways, care paths ... pathways are a way of setting out a process of best practice to be followed in the treatment of a patient or client with a particular condition or with particular needs. They are a distillation of the best available

  7. Age_Cymru_thinking_about_end_of_life_CYM.pdf

    atwrneiaeth neu wneud cais i’r Llys Gwarchod. Ffôn: 0300 456 0300 Turn2us Yn helpu pobl i fanteisio ar yr arian sydd ar gael iddynt drwy fudd-daliadau

  8. CRS_Sept14_Review_of_Money_Advice_Service.pdf

    Call for Evidence Response Review of the Money Advice Service Ref: 1414 Date: 2 September 2014 All rights reserved ... reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy

  9. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).docx

    Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service What we do .Age Cymru Advice provides an information and advice service to older people, their carers and families in Wales on a range of issues including: W elfare ... ousing, including housing options, repairs and adaptations and heatingL egal issues such as Wills and Power of AttorneyBereavement and death Local services and opportunities to engage in new activitiesWe also

  10. FS72.pdf

    Page 1 of 16 Factsheet 72 Advance decisions, advance statements and living wills April 2024 About this factsheet There are things you can do to make sure others know which medical treatments you would ... this yourself, see factsheet 22, Arranging for someone to make decisions on your behalf. The information in this factsheet is applicable in England and Wales. If you are in Scotland or Northern Ireland

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