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  1. CRS_March15_Care_Act_guidance.pdf

    to about this consultation assumed that the total costs of their care fees would be metered, that payments for low levels of care would count and that once they reached the cap their fees would be met in ... Authorities. However, there is also an inequity built into the market as a result of Local Authority payments for care being frozen or reduced over recent years, forcing some care providers to make up the difference

  2. FS35.pdf

    stages over a longer period of time. Welfare benefits may also be able to help you meet your rent payments – see section 6 below. If you are already – or in danger of becoming – in debt via rent arrears ... generally lower in this sector already. However, welfare benefits may be able to help you meet your rent payments – see section 6 below. If you are already – or in danger of becoming – in debt via rent arrears

  3. CRS_Feb16_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    left many women waiting longer for their State Pension with little time to plan. The Winter Fuel Payment and the bus pass make an important difference to the lives of many older people on low and modest ... reduce support, for example abandoning the triple lock or removing benefits such as Winter Fuel Payments, could see poverty rates rise again. 6. In terms of overall income levels, since the mid-1990s

  4. CRS_Sept16_Age_UK's_response_to_DCLG_consultation_including_Attendance_Allowance.pdf

    people, and their families, clarity over their entitlement to support. AA provides a flexible cash payment that can be used in a way that meets individuals’ needs and promotes independent living. In line ... should be central to all national policy for older people. Effectively, AA is the original direct payment for disabled older people and taking away future access to this cash allowance payable as a national

  5. IG10.pdf

    For Attendance Allowance: Tel: 0800 731 0122 Textphone: 0800 731 0317. For Personal Independence Payment: Tel: 0800 121 4433 Textphone: 0800 121 4493. In Northern Ireland, contact the Disability and Carers ... 030 9322 Winter Fuel Payment Centre. Government-run information line for the Winter Fuel Payment, providing information on how to claim and guidance on reporting

  6. FS58w.pdf

    Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance 13 5.2 Pension Credit 14 6 When temporary care ... “means any mortgage repayments, payments of rent or ground rent, council tax [and most] service charges”7. The Welsh Government’s Code of Practice also mentions “fixed payments [such as] building insurance

  7. IG45.pdf

    rather than cash so you have a record of doing it. Before signing a cheque or sending an online payment, make sure the amount and details are all correct. Never sign a blank cheque. It might feel untrusting ... aren’t obliged to lend money to anyone. If someone asks you to act as a guarantor for their rent payments or for a loan or credit card, be careful – you’re agreeing to pay if they can’t. Make sure you fully

  8. RB_Oct10_Invisible_But_Invaluable_Report.pdf

    13 The benefits of respite 13 Day centres and older carers’ support groups 14 Care reform, direct payment and service provision 16 Support from professionals 17 Training paid carers 20 Getting information ... ‘re-focused Carers’ Strategy’ in April 2011 and plans to ‘improve access to respite care by using direct payments to carers and better community-based provision’. Demographic change and an emphasis on care in the

  9. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking.pdf

    regularly to describe the challenges they have faced with mortgages, loans, insurance, benefits, debt, payments and day-to-day transactional banking. With the rapid growth of the population aged 80+, the issue ... Technological change brings both challenges and opportunities. In 2014 UK non-cash payments exceeded cash payments by volume for the first time. New technology holds out the promise of better, cheaper

  10. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - Welsh lang.pdf

    gofal cymdeithasol, lle mae deddf Yr Alban yn wahanol i weddill y DU. Yn Yr Alban, cysylltwch â: 0845 125 9732 6 Gwybodaeth a Chyngor Canllawiau gwybodaeth am ddim Mae ein canllawiau

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