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  1. Advance care planning

    We're campaigning to help people with their advance care planning

  2. Why are we still waiting? Delays in social care in Wales

    Older people are experiencing delay in social care assessments and implementation in care packages. Read our report and recommendations.

  3. What is Spread the Warmth

    Spread the Warmth is Age Cymru's campaign to prevent thousands of older people in Wales suffering needlessly this winter.

  4. Community Calculator


  5. Insights_Report -Age_and_Dementia-Friendly_Gymnastics_Programme_Evaluation_Findings.pdf

    Insights Report Age & Dementia Friendly Gymnastics Programme Evaluation Findings For more detail please see the Age & Dementia Friendly Gymnastics Programme Evaluation Report, or contact British Gymnastics Foundation, at The British Gymnastics Foundation has developed a gymnastics chair-based exercise programme that has been

  6. Improving Assisted Travel - January 2018.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Improving Assisted Travel Office of Rail and Road January 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a

  7. Rail Franchise and the Metro - February 2017.pdf

    1 Consultation Response The Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee National Assembly for Wales Rail Franchise & The Metro consultation February 2017 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and

  8. FAW 2019. Take Action Today-Patient table-Wel CV (2).pdf

    Nid yw cwympiadau yn rhan anochel o heneiddio Gweithredwch Heddiw Risg Cwympiad Ystyriwch Gweithredu Meddyginiaeth Ydych chi’n cymryd 4 meddyginiaeth neu fwy? A yw wedi bod yn 12 mis neu fwy ers i chi gael adolygiad o feddyginiaethau? Cysylltu â’ch fferyllydd i gael adolygiad defnydd meddyginiaeth. Mae hwn yn wasanaeth rhad ac am ddim. Llygaid Ydych chi’n ei chael hi’n anodd gweld gwrthrychau o’

  9. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide – English.pdf

    • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Since the original publication of this guide, COVID-19 has become a major health emergency, including for this winter. The situation with COVID-19 may be subject to frequent changes for the foreseeable future, so please visit the Welsh Government’s website for all the latest information in Wales, such as current national and/or local restrictions that may be in place:

  10. Survey Outline Covid 19 Welsh v3.docx

    Profiadau pobl 50 oeda hŷnyngNghymruynystodcyfnod cloCovid-19Creu Cymru oedgyfeillgarMae’r arolwghwnargyferpoblsy’n 50 oed neu hŷnyngNghymru, ac mae’ncaeleigynnalgansefydliadauallweddolsy’ncynrychiolipoblhŷn.Mae’n bwysigfodLlywodraeth Cymru, ac eraill, ynclywed am brofiadaupoblhŷnynystod y cyfnodclo, a’reffaithmaewedieigaelarnynnhw.Bydd yrarolwghwnyncymryd15 munudi’wgwblhau.Mae

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