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  1. Friends - Update registration.docx

    ‘Friends’ update registration formRegister here for updates and further inf ormation to help you as a ‘Friend’. Name / EnwAge / OedEmail address /Cyfeiriad e-bost:Address / CyfeiriadPosdt code / Cod post  We’d like to keep you informed about our vital work. Please tick or circle the areas you’re interested in: Arts [  ] Campaigns [  ] Events [  ] Fundraising [  ] Information and Advice [  ]

  2. FAW 2019. Prevent a fall - Take Action Today-Wel.pdf

    Atal Cwympiad - Gweithredwch heddiw Care & Repair Cymru Gofynnwch Heddiw A oes gan y claf hanes o gwympo? (Os nad yn broblem feddygol) • Gofyn iddynt ganolbwyntio ar pam, ble a beth allai fod wedi cyfrannu at eu cwympiad • Trafod camau y gallant eu cymryd i ostwng y risg o gwympo • Rhoi dalen wybodaeth Gweithredwch Heddiw iddynt Gan Bwyll Awgrymwch y dylai cleifion chwilio am ddosbarthiadau

  3. Wales advocacy surveys

    People across Wales, including those living in care homes, have seen their human rights breached and their access to advocacy, health and social care suspended during the pandemic, finds a survey of 72 professional advocates based in Wales.

  4. ID204744 Jingle Bakes_cake labels.pdf

    Cake labels Age Cymru is a registered charity number: 1128436 Name of bake Name of bake Name of bake Price Price Price Name of baker Name of baker Name of baker Dietary info/allergens Dietary info/allergens Dietary info/allergens Name of bake Name of bake Name of bake Price Price Price Name of baker Name of baker Name of baker Dietary info/allergens Dietary info/allergens Dietary info/allergens

  5. AC_Flyer_ WEL_06_2021_2.pdf

    Rydyn ni’n gwybod bod hwn wedi bod yn gyfnod anodd iawn i chi i gyd. Bydden ni wrth ein bodd yn cysylltu â rhai o’ch preswylwyr i weld sut maen nhw’n ymdopi ar hyn o bryd, drwy Zoom. Mae cael sgwrs yn gallu bod o gymorth gwirioneddol i lesiant yn gyffredinol, ond hoffem ni hefyd gofnodi meddyliau a theimladau preswylwyr ar yr adeg hon. Bydd hyn yn mynd tuag at adroddiad i Lywodraeth Cymru a allai

  6. Take Action Today-Poster Welsh.pdf

    Gweithredwch Heddiw Nid yw cwympo yn rhan anochel o heneiddio Care & Repair Cymru Gadewch i ni siarad Ydych chi’n poeni am cwympo ond dim yn gwybod beth i’w wneud? • Dywedwch wrth rywun am eich pryderon • Dywedwch wrth rywun os ydych wedi cwympo • Gweithredwch heddiw, ewch i neu ffoniwch 03442 640670 Pwyll piau hi Gellir sicrhau craidd cryf a chydbwysedd da drwy

  7. Advocacy Newsletter November 2016 Cymraeg.pdf

    Cylchlythyr Eiriolaeth Tachwedd 2016 Rhif 2 Y penawdau diweddaraf ‘Digwyddiad Mawr’ Rhwydwaith Eiriolaeth Gwobrau Eiriolaeth Cenedlaethol Mae Eiriolaeth yn Cyfrif 5 Cwestiynau Cyffredin Rhaglen Eiriolaeth Edau Aur Eiriolaeth Broffesiynol Annibynnol a’r Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth, Cyngor a Chymorth        Tudalen 2 Tudalen 3 Tudalen 4 Dadansoddi lefel angen am

  8. Nomination form for change maker.docx

    Nomination for change-maker Your name ……………………………………………………………………… Name of person you’re nominating ……………………………………… …..Please tell us the town they live in ………………………………………… Please tell us why you’re nominating them?............................................. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………

  9. WASP Summit September 2018 Tarian.pdf

    Wales Against Scams Partnership Cybercrimeand the Vulnerable Detective Sergeant Warren Davies Regional Cyber Crime Unit RCCU-Tarian@south-wales.pnn.police.ukWarren.Davies@south The criminal landscape has changed! Cybercrime UK ROCU Teams • NCCU – National Cyber Crime Unit • Southern Wales ROCU – TARIAN • North East ROCU • North West ROCU - TITAN • Yorkshire and Humberside

  10. Advocacy windscreen wiper E and W PDF.pdf

    H i g h l e v e l n e e d s / c r i s i s i n t e r v e n t i o n E a r l y i n t e r v e n t i o n / p r e v e n t i o n Self advocacy whenever possible Informal advocacy by family, friends etc. Peer advocacy Citizen advocacy Formal advocacy by health and social care professionals as part of their role Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) under SSWb Act Other

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