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  1. Warm Up Exercises.pdf

    Mobilisers – slow movements All of the following moves can be done in a standing or seated position. Fingers and thumbs  Finger to thumb o Press each finger to the thumb in turn, then reverse  Clench ... while bringing the heel up towards the bottom at the back. Seated leg extending Sit on the front third of the chair with the feet hip width apart and flat on the floor. Straighten one leg squeezing the thigh

  2. Survey March 2024 WELSH v3.docx

    Ydychchiwedicaelmynediadatofaliechydneuwediceisiocaelmynediadat ofal iechyd ynystod y 12 mis diwethaf?⬛ Ydw, i mi⬛ Ydw,argyferrhywunarall⬛ Na, doedd dim angenB6.b. Osydych,pafathoofaliechydydychchiwedieidderbyn ... helpynycartrefgydathasgaubywydbobdydd,caelcefnogaethiadael yr ysbyty, gofalseibiant a gofalpreswyl.)⬛ Ydw, i mi⬛ Ydw,argyferrhywunarall⬛ Na,doedddimangeni mi wneudhynB7.b. Osfelly,agawsochchi'rhelpyroeddeiangenarnoch

  3. Sexual abuse

    innuendo, sexual photography, subjection to pornography or witnessing sexual acts. Possible indicators of sexual abuse Significant change in sexual behaviour or attitude Pregnancy in a woman who is unable ... Bruising to thighs, upper arms, or neck, or ‘love bites’ Self-harming behaviour Showing signs of fear or emotional distress Bruises around the breasts or genital areas Unexplained sexually transmitted

  4. Advocacy Newsletter August 2017 Cymraeg.pdf

    Gam-drin Domestig: Diogelu Pobl Hŷn yng Nghymru Pap ur Gwyn Llywodraeth Cymru, Gwasanaethau sy'n Addas i'r Dyfodol, Ansawdd a Llywodraethiant ym Maes Iechyd a Gofal yng Nghymru       Tudalen

  5. Advocacy Newsletter March 2018 Cymraeg.pdf

    Tudalen 2 Swyddogaeth Eiriolaeth mewn perthynas â Llesiant Tudalen 3 â î Tudalen 4 Tudalen 5 Ymgysylltu a Chomisiynu Cefnogi

  6. Advocacy Newsletter November 2016 Cymraeg.pdf

    lleol Tudalen 5   Tudalen 6 Gofalu i Gydweithredu      Tudalen 7 Tudalen 8 Tudalen 9 Hyfforddiant APSO i swyddogion awdurdodedig Tudalen 10 Hyfforddiant

  7. Age Positive Week - your event

    Tell us about your event or activity to celebrate Age Positive Week.

  8. Advocacy Newsletter December 2017 Cymraeg.pdf

    Tudalen 4 Ymgyrch Lles Drwy Wres Age Cymru ŷ ŷ ŷ Tudalen 5 ŷ Dilyniant i’r Adolygiad o Gartrefi Gofal ŷ Adolygiad blynyddol yn datgelu fod yr Ombwdsmon yn cadarnhau dau draean

  9. Tell me more consent WEL.docx

    phosib.   5. Setio mlaen yr ipad / laptop fel bod y preswylydd yn gwynebu canol y sgrin.   6. Gadewch i'r preswylydd siarad yn agored. Gall y cydlynydd gweithgareddau  gynorthwyo os ydyn nhw'n cael anhawster

  10. Come and chat to us

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