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  1. Assist and Connect

    Assist and Connect is a community based, face to face support service where volunteers are matched with a member of their community who requires support.

  2. Donate your Christmas party

    Why not donate the cost of your Christmas party and help us ensure we continue to be here for older people in Wales.

  3. Tai chi Qigong

    Tai Chi for Health can help older people to improve their balance, core strength and overall wellbeing. This is an activity that can also help to reduce the risk of falls among older people.

  4. Wwellbeing and advocacy excerise.pdf

    1 Well-being statement Possible Barriers Reason for advocacy I know and understand what care, support and opportunities are available and use these to help me achieve my well-being. I can access the right information, when I need it, in the way I want it and use this to manage and improve my wellbeing. I am treated with dignity and respect and treat others the same. My voice

  5. big-knit-pattern---beginner.pdf

    apair ofscissors woolasewing needle smallknitting needles (31/4mm-4mm) perhaps somebobbles You’llneedthisstuff: Easypeasy(well,itisifyoutakealookatthechampion‘howtoknit’guideat’ve doneabitinthepast,here’sareminderofthemainstitch. 1.Insertthetipoftherightneedlethroughthefirstloop ontheleftneedle,fromfronttoback.Thenwrapthe

  6. Legacy A3 Poster AW_Welsh.pdf

    “Oni bai am fy Nhad-cu ni fyddwn lle’r ydwyf heddiw. Mae gennym lawer i ddiolch amdano i’n perthnasau, ffrindiau a chymdogion hŷn.” Elusen gofrestredig 1128436 Leigh Halfpenny (Cymru a Llewod Prydain & Iwerddon) Gofynnwch am ragor o wybodaeth neu ewch i

  7. Supporting the Commissioning and Good Practice and Advocacy Resource list March 2018.pdf

    Supporting the Commissioning and Good Practice of Advocacy Resource list Legislation and statutory guidance Social care policy Commissioning Procurement Market management / sector development Engagement and Co-production Advocacy; Good practice, Outcomes, Research and Models Outcomes Professional guidelines Education and training Safeguarding Information and advice for citizens Other

  8. cARTrefu Cube Flyer.pdf

    cARTrefu Cube Tour Exhibitions to raise public awareness of creative life in care homes, though the art work that has been created with and inspired by the people living in, working in and visiting care homes. AGECYMRU.ORG.UK/CARTREFU THEATR CLWYD MOLD 07 JUNE - 05 JULY RIVERFRONT NEWPORT 06-18 JULY ORIEL Y PARC ST DAVIDS 19 JULY - 22 AUGUST CRAFT IN THE BAY CARDIFF 22

  9. cARTrefu Newsletter September 2018 Welsh.pdf

    Cyhoeddi Arddangosfa cARTrefu! Dyddiadau i’r Dyddiadur: 2018     cARTrefu Medi 2018 Dewch i weld yr arddangosfa, Tachwedd 2018 i Ionawr 2019! Cwrdd â’r tîm newydd! Rydym eich angen chi! cARTrefu Sharing Events #cARTrefu @AgeCymru Ilar a’r ‘Aw!’ Comes to Us All Y gerdd Susan Kingman Pecynnau Gweithgaredd cARTrefu ar gyfer cartrefi gofal ar gael o hyd! I gloi.

  10. Scams Team WASP conference Sept.pdf

    Louise Baxter Why? Suckers/Victim Lists 300,000 names of people being targeted and responding to scams Mail Scams Telephone Scams Doorstep Crime Areas of work SCAMS are FRAUD and FRAUD is a CRIME. AKA Financial abuse People Scam victims that are identified by Trading Standards are often lonely and socially isolated. Feeling lonely rather than being alone is associated with an increased risk of

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