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  1. Supporting people.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Supporting people to prepare You can help the person you’re supporting with preparing for eventualities that may arise. This

  2. Eatwell_guide_colour.pdf

    C r is p s Raisins F r o z e n p e a s Lentils Soya drink C o u s C o u s pasta Whole wheat B a g e l s P o r r i d g e L o w f a t s o f t c h e e s e T u n a P l ai n n u ts p e a s C h ic k Semi milk skimmed C h o p p e d t o m a t o e s l o w e r s a lt a n d s u g a r B e a n s Whole grain cereal P ot a to es Spaghetti L o w f a t P l a in y o g h u r t Lean mince Lower fat spread Sauce O i

  3. Spread the Warmth Myth-Busting leaflet.pdf

    Don’t leave yourself in the cold this winter Keep well and warm during the cold weather with our myth-busting tips. As well as a hat, wrapping a scarf around your neck and mouth can help to protect your health. Breathing in cold air raises the risk of chest infections and increases blood pressure. ‘A hat is all I need to keep warm on a winter’s day.’ ‘A warm bedroom is bad for my health.’ No.

  4. Age Cymru Hope Project A5 Flyer (Web) FINAL + QPM BILINGUAL - updated Jan 24.pdf

    Do you need help to: • Ensure people listen to your views, wishes and feelings so you lead the decision making? • Get the right support you need when you need it? • Be supported to say what matters to you and why? • Understand information about services or your rights? • Understand your options and choices? HOPE has trained independent Volunteer Advocates who will be: • Someone there for you and

  5. Legacy leaflet English.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Creating an age friendly Wales Leave support and friendship with a gift in your will A gift in your will can help us be there, day after day. No one should spend later life feeling vulnerable and alone. We make sure older people aren’t forgotten or left to struggle on their own. We’re here to listen, support, advise and help people to feel independent and secure in their

  6. GTAP Information leaflet WELSH.pdf

    Mae Rhaglen Eiriolaeth Edau Aur wedi’i hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru am 3 blynedd i redeg ar y cyd a chynorthwyo gweithredu Rhan 10 (Eiriolaeth) o Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles 2014. Dechreuom y gwaith hwn ar y 1af Ebrill 2016. Ein prif nodau yw: Cynorthwyo i gomisiynu eiriolaeth broffesiynol annibynnol drwy ddull cynaliadwy a strategol. Gwella argaeledd gwasanaethau eiriolaeth i

  7. Volunteer roles face to face.pdf

    Online volunteer roles Our volunteer teams play an important role in the running of 'virtual' Sporting Memories Clubs. The three roles described below offer a unique opportunity to be involved in online sessions designed to help tackle social isolation, while providing fun and companionship. As for all our roles, we provide full training and ongoing support. To find out more about volunteering,

  8. age-cymru-advice-how-can-we-help-booklet---english.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? Creating an age friendly Wales We are Age Cymru. Age Cymru is the leading charity for all older people in Wales. We campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure we build a better life for all older people. We ensure older people’s voices are heard, we challenge and change attitudes, we fight discrimination wherever we find it and we tackle elder abuse in

  9. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Booklet - English.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? Creating an age friendly Wales We are Age Cymru. Age Cymru is the leading charity for all older people in Wales. We campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure we build a better life for all older people. We ensure older people’s voices are heard, we challenge and change attitudes, we fight discrimination wherever we find it and we tackle elder abuse in

  10. Equalities and diversity monitoring form.docx

    In Strict ConfidenceEQUALITIES AND DIVERSITY MONITORING FORM Age Cymru is strongly committed to equality and diversity. This commitment is fundamental to the achievement of Age Cymru’s vision and objectives. So that we can measure how far we are succeeding in promoting equality and diversity, we would be grateful if you would complete this fully anonymised monitoring form. The information

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