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  1. Volunteer roles face to face.pdf

    Online volunteer roles Our volunteer teams play an important role in the running of 'virtual' Sporting Memories Clubs. The three roles described below offer a unique opportunity to be involved in online sessions designed to help tackle social isolation, while providing fun and companionship. As for all our roles, we provide full training and ongoing support. To find out more about volunteering,

  2. Equalities Monitoring Form - Welsh.docx

    Yn gwbl gyfrinachol FFURFLEN MONITRO CYDRADDOLDEB AC AMRYWIAETH Mae Age Cymru wedi ymrwymo'n gryf i gydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth. Mae'r ymrwymiad hwn yn hanfodol i gyflawni gweledigaeth ac amcanion Age Cymru. Er mwyn i ni allu mesur i ba raddau yr ydym yn llwyddo i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth, byddem yn ddiolchgar pe baech yn llenwi'r ffurflen fonitro gwbl ddienw hon. Bydd y wybodaeth a

  3. Winter Celebration Grant Eligibility and Criteria Funding 2018.pdf

    Winter Celebration Grant Eligibility and Criteria Through funding from Age Cymru, one-off grants of up to £150 are available for social events at winter time. Eligibility In order to apply for this grant programme applicants must be a local older people’s group in Wales.  An older people’s group is understood to be an organised group of older people meeting regularly for social, recreational

  4. 17 Care home volunteer code of conduct (1).pdf

    1 Care Home Volunteer Code of Conduct Policy Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide a code of conduct for care home volunteers of Age Cymru. It does not replace any information provided at the Safeguarding or Volunteer Training sessions. Scope This policy applies to all care home volunteers registered with Age Cymru. Policy statement Professional and personal behaviour of

  5. Executive summary - Age Cymru -Why are we still waiting- Delays in social care in Wales – July 2023.pdf

    Executive summary About the research This is Age Cymru’s second annual report on delays in access to social care in Wales for people aged 55 and over. Last year our dementia advocacy project, HOPE (Helping others to participate and engage) advocacy project and Age Cymru Advice were all reporting worrying delays in older people being assessed by social care for their needs, as well as delays in

  6. Eatwell_guide_colour.pdf

    C r is p s Raisins F r o z e n p e a s Lentils Soya drink C o u s C o u s pasta Whole wheat B a g e l s P o r r i d g e L o w f a t s o f t c h e e s e T u n a P l ai n n u ts p e a s C h ic k Semi milk skimmed C h o p p e d t o m a t o e s l o w e r s a lt a n d s u g a r B e a n s Whole grain cereal P ot a to es Spaghetti L o w f a t P l a in y o g h u r t Lean mince Lower fat spread Sauce O i

  7. 20171901Chargingforcareandsupport.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Charging for care and support – new regulations Welsh Government January 2017 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own

  8. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Visual Arts_E.pdf

    Visual Arts Creating an age friendly Wales Photo collage This is a great activity to get people thinking about their hopes and wishes. They can think about the future or create a dream where anything is possible! • Print out photos of residents’ faces • Once this is done, talk to each resident about what they’d love to do most in the world • Residents can look through old magazines or

  9. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_W.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Cerddoriaeth 1 Gemau balŵns Mae balŵns llachar yn gallu bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn gan eu bod yn ysgafn ac yn hawdd eu defnyddio. Mae posib eu defnyddio i gynhesu ac ar gyfer gemau cerddorol. Y Gêm Enwau Y preswylwyr yn eistedd mewn cylch llydan ac yn pasio neu dapio’r balŵn i unrhyw un o’u dewis. Mae pwy bynnag sy’n derbyn y balŵn yn galw ei enw cyn ei phasio

  10. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Visual_arts_W.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Celfyddydau Gweledol Collage o luniau Dyma weithgaredd gwych i gael pobl i feddwl am eu gobeithion a’u dymuniadau. Mae cyfle iddyn nhw feddwl am y dyfodol neu greu breuddwyd lle mae unrhyw beth yn bosib! • Argraffwch luniau o wynebau’r preswylwyr • Ar ôl gwneud hyn, siaradwch gyda phob preswylydd am beth fyddai’n hoffi ei wneud fwyaf yn y byd • Gall y

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