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  1. A4 WG Manifesto singleA4 WELSH.pdf

    hyˆn. Mae teimlo’n unig yn niweidiol i les pobl hyˆn, ac mae yna fwy a mwy o dystiolaeth o’r effeithiau negyddol ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol. Mae’r effeithiau negyddol hyn yn gallu arwain at fwy o bwysau ... gweithredu’n ymarferol er mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r mater. Mae ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i daclo unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd yn darparu cyfle ac ysgogiad i bobl a sefydliadau i weithio gyda’i gilydd yn eu cymunedau

  2. Warm Up Exercises.pdf

    following moves can be done in a standing or seated position. Fingers and thumbs  Finger to thumb o Press each finger to the thumb in turn, then reverse  Clench and stretch o Make a fist then stretch the fingers ... Elbows  Hand to shoulder o Touch the hand to the opposite shoulder then to the same shoulder, one at a time or both together  Wiper wave o Wave the forearms and hands from side to side together Shoulders

  3. Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi.pdf

    blynyddol a gynhaliwyd ers 2020 gan Age Cymru a’r sefydliadau allweddol sy’n cynrychioli pobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Mae’n bwysig bod Llywodraeth Cymru ac eraill yn clywed gan bobl hŷn am eu profiadau a’r hyn sy’n ... ond os hoffech chi i ni gysylltu â chi ynglŷn â’r arolwg gallwch gynnwys eich manylion cyswllt ar ddiwedd y ddogfen. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth wrth gwblhau’r arolwg hwn. A. Cyfathrebiad A1. Sut ydych chi’n

  4. FAW Briefing - 2021 - Welsh.pdf

    syrthio sydd angen ymyriad iechyd. A yw’n costio unrhyw beth? Na, y cyfan rydym ei angen yw eich amser. Cynhelir wythnos #YmwybyddiaethSyrthio2021 rhwng 12 a 18 Gorffennaf a’r unig beth y gofynnwn amdano eich ... gysylltiedig gyda neges eisteddog Aros Gartref. Dengys ymchwil a gynhaliwyd gan y Ganolfan Heneiddio Gwell a’r Kings Fund, yn cynnwys profiadau a rannwyd drwy Dasglu Atal Syrthio Gofal Iechyd Darbodus Cenedlaethol:

  5. vaccine priority list.pdf

    Government priority order for the COVID-19 vaccination programme Priority groups 1 to 9 1. People living in a care home for older adults and their carers. 2. All those 80 years of age and older and frontline health ... people in this group will previously have received a letter from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) advising them to shield at the beginning of the pandemic, plus a couple of other communications from the CMO at

  6. 2016 November Bulletin ENGLISH.pdf

    the Gwanwyn Festival Celebrating creativity in older age Linda Jane James and Dewi Morris—T.E.A. Projects Mike Stevens—Suitcase Theatre Kelly Barr—National Dance Company Wales Gwanwyn Age

  7. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_W.pdf

    chwarae maen nhw’n cael symud y balŵn. Pan mae’r gerddoriaeth yn stopio, mae pawb yn aros mor llonydd â phosib. Creating an age friendly Wales Cerddoriaeth Gwneud offerynnau Does dim angen ... gwag yn creu offeryn i’w blycio • Mae posib defnyddio tuniau Pringles gwag (gyda chaeadau metel a phlastig) fel drymiau Nawr ewch ati i annog y preswylwyr i chwarae eu hofferynnau gan gadw at yr un

  8. cARTrefu Newsletter May 2019.pdf

    packs still available…. Changes to the team The cARTrefu Family HRH The Prince of Wales visited a cARTrefu workshop in Neath The cARTrefu Film On the road with the cARTrefu Cube And finally

  9. Question Time Event - 23 March 2021

    Cymru). The event was chaired by Rhodri ab Owen from Positif Politics. The lively discussions covered a number of key issues affecting older people such as digital exclusion, accessing general practice, paying

  10. Carers

    older carers, carers of people living with dementia, and carers of people who have now moved to live in a care home.

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