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  1. 8 Care home volunteer personal details.pdf

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284

  2. 2016 November Bulletin ENGLISH.pdf

    the Gwanwyn Festival Celebrating creativity in older age Linda Jane James and Dewi Morris—T.E.A. Projects Mike Stevens—Suitcase Theatre Kelly Barr—National Dance Company Wales Gwanwyn Age

  3. Age Cymru Advice Poster.pdf

    Darparu gwybodaeth a chyngor ar faterion sy’n effeithio ar bobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru. Providing free, confidential and expert advice on matters affecting the over 50s in Wales. www.agecymru ... i’n gwasanaethau lleol. Mae’n bosib cael cymorth wyneb i wyneb trwy partneriaid Age Cymru lleol, a lle yn bosib mae ymweliadau cartref ar gael i unigolion sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol neu fwy arbenigol

  4. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 ENGLISH.docx

    Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the terms given in the EqualityAct2010?Yes No The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment,w ... you need any further supportpleasecontact:Age CymruAdvice:08000 223 444C.A.L.L:0800 132737Cruse: 0808 8081677Hourglass Cymru:0808 8088141Samaritans: 116 123Silverline: 0808 4708090Your

  5. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_W.pdf

    chwarae maen nhw’n cael symud y balŵn. Pan mae’r gerddoriaeth yn stopio, mae pawb yn aros mor llonydd â phosib. Creating an age friendly Wales Cerddoriaeth Gwneud offerynnau Does dim angen ... gwag yn creu offeryn i’w blycio • Mae posib defnyddio tuniau Pringles gwag (gyda chaeadau metel a phlastig) fel drymiau Nawr ewch ati i annog y preswylwyr i chwarae eu hofferynnau gan gadw at yr un

  6. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_W.pdf

    hoff gerddi a hefyd creu rhywbeth newydd ohonyn nhw. • Ysgrifennwch gerdd enwog • Torrwch bob llinell allan • Rhowch bob llinell mewn het neu fag • Gofynnwch i rywun ddewis llinell a’i darllen yn ... gwnewch gerdd neu bennill newydd yn dechrau gyda’r llinell yma o farddoniaeth Mae edrych ar dudalen wag a cheisio ysgrifennu cerdd yn gallu bod yn anodd. Mae’r ymarfer yma’n rhoi man cychwyn da i bobl. 1 Creating

  7. Question Time Event - 23 March 2021

    Cymru). The event was chaired by Rhodri ab Owen from Positif Politics. The lively discussions covered a number of key issues affecting older people such as digital exclusion, accessing general practice, paying

  8. Carers

    older carers, carers of people living with dementia, and carers of people who have now moved to live in a care home.

  9. Getting advice.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... Wales. We aim to provide effective, accessible, high-quality information and advice while offering a free, impartial and confidential service. Age Cymru Advice can assist older people themselves, their

  10. Sexual abuse

    Possible indicators of sexual abuse Significant change in sexual behaviour or attitude Pregnancy in a woman who is unable to consent to sexual intercourse Changes to urinary continence or soiling Poor concentration ... stained or bloody underclothing Inappropriate displays of physical affection or sexual touching by a care provider The adult who needs care and support telling you they have been sexually assaulted, raped

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