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  1. forum resource manual v4.pdf

    Forums can exist at a very local level, representing just a few streets, or they can cover a town or city. In some cases there is an umbrella forum which overs a larger area like an entire local authority

  2. FS7.pdf

    March and October offering free wills for people over 55. The scheme is limited to specific towns and cities in the UK which are usually different each time. Institute of Professional Will Writers (IPW) www

  3. FS64.pdf

    around 250 housing locations across England and Wales, ranging from converted terraced houses in cities to purpose-built developments, offering varying levels of support. Some homes are provided by the

  4. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    Charitable Trust Non-project specific 10,000 The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust Disconnected Mind 25,000 City Bridge Trust My Home Life 62,000 Civil Society Facility Programme EU – Civil Society Facility Programme

  5. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    people in rural areas experience the same financial problems as older people living in towns and cities. However, living in a rural area brings additional challenges, such as higher living costs, housing ... house prices in the last quarter of 2012 averaged £259,900 in the countryside: £20,000 more than in cities, and in hamlets the average was £345,600.44 But there are still 600,000 pensioners in low income

  6. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    Foundation Cabinet Office – Investment and Contract Readiness Fund Cecil and Hilda Lewis Charitable Trust City Bridge Trust Comic Relief – Older People’s Programme Department for Energy and Climate Change Department

  7. Age Cymru English - Evaluation report.pdf

    Rareseed Youth Theatre (Monmouthshire), Mess Up the Mess (Ammonford), Flying Cloud Theatre (London/York), Taking Flight Theatre Company, and Hijinx Theatre (Cardiff). Jon Dafydd-Kidd Eeva-Maria Mutka Eeva-Maria

  8. Human Rights Toolkits V8.pdf

    authorities to engage with older people and work towards membership of the WHO’s Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities. Theme 3 of the delivery plan

  9. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    Brackenhill, St George’s Place, York, YO24 1DT 01904 632039 Dephna House, 24-26 Arcadia Ave, London, N3 2JU 0208 8191397 Company registration: 3186539 ‘Pressing the Right

  10. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2012_2013.pdf

    and Contract Ready Fund (ICRF) Catatania Trust Cecil and Hilda Lewis Charitable Trust Cheruby Trust City Bridge Trust Civil Society Facility Programme Comic Relief D G Charitable Settlement Department for

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