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  1. Advocacy Newsletter Dec 2019 - Eng SM.pdf

    helpline (0808 801 0566) and website ( went live on 18 July 2019. Information packs are being distributed to social work teams and IAA services to ensure that professionals are fully

  2. CRS_June2014_APPG_Food_Hunger_response_June_2014.pdf

    risk from malnutrition in the UK live at home and have little and no link with health services.  In winter, roughly 34 per cent of people admitted to hospital (all ages) are found to be malnourished. This ... This is more than a 20 per cent rise from summer and autumn months. Screening in hospitals during winter 2010 found a 28 per cent risk of malnutrition in patients under 60 years old, 32 per cent in those

  3. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Ethnic_minorities_Gypsies_and_Travellers.pdf

    of Gypsies & Travellers in England 9 Greenfields M (2009) Falling by the wayside, Diabetes Update, Winter 2009 10 Aspinall and Mitton (2014) Smoking prevalence and the changing risk profiles in the UK ethnic ... Groups and Health & Wellbeing Boards, Greenfields M ( 2009) Falling by the wayside, Diabetes Update (Winter) Greenfields M (2009) Gypsies, Travellers and accommodation, Race Equality Foundation Greenfields

  4. Spring 2022 Newsletter v4.pdf

    the Winter Fuel Support Scheme Age Cymru recently joined forces with the Older People’s Commissioner to call on the Welsh Government to include older people claiming pension credit within the Winter Fuel ... organisations said that the Welsh Government must urgently change the eligibility criteria for the Winter Fuel Support Scheme to ensure that older people claiming Pension Credit can access the financial

  5. CRS_Jan16_Pension_reforms_proposed_changes_to_guidance.pdf

    Question 3 - Do you agree with our proposed rule to prevent application forms being sent in wake-up packs and reminders? We agree that these application and purpose provisions should be added to COBS 19 ... communication method used by the provider; and that application forms should not be sent out with wake-up packs. However, the provision in COBS 19.4.2: that the firm needs to provide an open market options

  6. FS25.pdf

    residence 3 2.1 Habitual Residence Test 3 2.2 Ordinary residence 4 3 Finance 5 3.1 State Pensions and Winter Fuel Payments 5 3.2 Means-tested benefits 6 3.3 Disability benefits and Carer’s Allowance 6 4 Housing ... uk/en/everyday-money/banking/how-to-openswitch-or-close-your-bank-account 3.1 State Pensions and Winter Fuel Payments The UK State Pension is based on your National Insurance contributions and credits

  7. Age Cymru English - Evaluation report.pdf

    national and international academic stage. - A cARTrefu activity pack was developed and distributed to all care homes in Wales. The pack will be made available online so it can be shared more widely and ... the development and production of a resource for care home staff – the cARTrefu Activity Card pack. The pack consists of useful tips of how to lead an activity session and four suggested activities for

  8. Carers policy position - November 2016.pdf

    Utility bills often become more expensive as heating may be used more often in order to provide warmth and comfort to the person cared for. Appliances are used more often due, for example to people being

  9. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    you someone to push you round, they take you to the aisle you want, take you to the tills, help you pack, take it to the car, and then take the wheelchair back.’ (Male, Norfolk) Getting into a shop in the ... including those with mobility, strength or dexterity difficulties, prefer to have staff help them pack their bags. ‘We would rather go to a person who will help put things in bags than the machine.’ (Female

  10. 20170203Loneliness - evidencetoHSCScommittee.pdf

    of respondents said they were worried about falling over on slippery roads or pavements during the winter months. It is vital that the built environment enables, rather than prevents, older people taking ... their ability to navigate the built environment safely and a fear of falling, especially during the winter months, can further exacerbate feelings of isolation and loneliness. The impact of loneliness and

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