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  1. HOPE Independent Volunteer Advocate role description - final - updated Dec22.pdf

    engage (HOPE) heard and to achieve their personal aspirations and goals. Within this role you’ll support people with their issues or concerns and ultimately empower them to be able to resolve similar issues ... issues themselves in the future. Together you’ll develop a personal action plan and work to achieve their aspirations.  Engage with others so they feel involved and supported  Participate so they don’t

  2. Age Cymru Activity Cards_cARTrefu_Intro_E.pdf

    cARTrefu What is cARTrefu? cARTrefu is an exciting arts project run by Age Cymru. Since 2015 we’ve been matching Welsh care homes with some of Wales’ most creative artists to give older people access to quality ... Wales to create their own art through sessions in Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Words and Music. These sessions have now been simplified and colour-coded for this pack. These cards are designed to help

  3. Donate by telephone or post

    Find out how to make a donation to Age Cymru by telephone or post

  4. Coivd-19 Survey_v2.pdf

    1 This survey is a follow up to the survey we undertook in Summer 2020 for people aged 50 or over across Wales, and is being undertaken by key organisations that represent older people. It is important ... experiences of the lockdown and the impact that this has made on them. This survey will take 15 minutes to complete. Your response is anonymous. Thank you for your support in completing this survey. A. Lockdown

  5. Pat Davey

    We'd like to introduce you to some of our amazing volunteers who help make a difference to the lives of older people in Wales.

  6. Take action 09023.pdf

    know that many of us start to feel a bit unsteady on our feet or worry about falling. But there are simple things we can do to help avoid a slip or fall. Take action today What Ask Act now

  7. IL5.pdf

    home checklist Things to look out for and questions to ask AgeUKIL5 First impressions Are the buildings and grounds well maintained? n Is there an accessible garden or courtyard? n Do the home and garden ... garden feel inviting? n Are there pleasant views surrounding the home? n Do the staff seem welcoming? n Is the home clean and does it smell fresh? n Are the rooms a comfortable temperature? n Are the rooms

  8. Corina Walker

    We'd like to introduce you to some of our amazing volunteers who help make a difference to the lives of older people in Wales.

  9. RB_2012_Falls_prevention_Dont_Mention_the_F_Word.pdf

    DON’T MENTION THE F-WORD Advice to practitioners on communicating falls prevention messages to older people Falling in older age can lead to increased anxiety and depression, reduced activity, mobility ... messages in a way that’s acceptable to older people can prove challenging. This briefing summarises the findings from the research report Encouraging Positive Attitudes to Falls Prevention in Later Life.1

  10. Help us to be there on the hardest day and every day

    Wales finding Christmas Day to be the hardest day of the year , and nearly 98,000 feeling more isolated on this one day, than any other. No one should feel forgotten. By donating to the Age Cymru Partnership ... we can continue to be here for older people living in your community when we’re needed the most. Together, we can tackle the loneliness crisis. With your donation, we can continue to provide essential

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