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  1. Moving in with family

    with family. What sort of care will you need and who will be able to provide this for you? Will the home need to be adapted? Will you pay rent or help towards bills? If your family members are claiming benefits ... move into a care home? If you invest in your relatives’ property, or purchase a property jointly, there may be implications if you have to be means-tested for assistance with care home fees in the future

  2. Autumn 2022 Newsletter ENG v6.pdf

    talks, virtual tours, dance, and fitness classes and much more - all to enjoy from the comfort of your home and all free of charge. We’re also pleased to be able to share information about our ‘Why are ... Get Ready for Winter with Age Cymru and Nest Age Cymru is working with the Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme to help older people in Wales prepare for the colder months ahead. The rise in energy

  3. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    brick pavements that are slippery when wet were seen as hazardous, and pavements obstructed with parked cars, bins and street furniture restricted access for wheelchairs and mobility scooters  over 22% ... uk/cymru/our-impact/policy-publications/community-calculator/ 2 Pavements in a poor condition, car parking on pavements, and street ‘clutter’ can be hazardous for older people and can inhibit access and pose

  4. RB_Dec17_Painful_Journeys_InDepth_Report.pdf

    pick-up 2 hours or more before the collection time they are given, and are often not delivered back home for many hours after their appointment. ● CASE STUDY LONG WAITING TIMES FOR HOSPITAL TRANSPORT “I ... all around the borough to drop everyone off. I just wanted something that would take me directly home so I could sleep.” For people in wheelchairs, waiting for hours for their appointments can be painful

  5. FS63.pdf

    the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 4 3 Introduction – the private rented sector 7 4 Welsh Government information on renting a home 8 5 Where to find private rented accommodation ... 35w Renting your home in Wales – rights or problems regarding your rent;  Factsheet 68w Renting your home in Wales – rights if you are threatened with eviction;  Factsheet 67w Home improvements and repairs

  6. Community Calculator

    or less out of ten. Older people told the survey that hazards such as uneven services, illegally parked cars, and pavements obstructed with bins restricted access for users of wheelchairs and mobility

  7. RB_Sept16_Age_UK_Briefing_Fraud_and_Scams.pdf

    services they didn’t previously need. Older victims are 2.4 times more likely to die or go into a care home than those who are not scammed. Scammers are often organised, predatory criminals who gain trust ... police, banks, and others have to adapt and tackle fraud. Examples of current solutions The Home Office set up a Joint Fraud Taskforce in February 2016 and Age UK is contributing to the ‘victims

  8. RB_Sept12_npi_Affordability_Of_Retirement_Housing_In_The_UK.pdf

    Britain have less than £75,000 in equity and are unlikely to be able to use this to buy a retirement home outright. A further 37% have between £75,000 and £175,000 and will find their choice of retirement ... retirement housing limited by what they can afford. As the cost to buy a typical one bedroom retirement home is affordable to most owner-occupiers it is much more likely that the ongoing costs and limited availability

  9. RB_Oct15_Diversity_Dementia_Gearing_up.pdf

    for black and minority ethnic older people. Some generalist HAs provide specific supported living or home care schemes for minority groups adding to their portfolio of services beyond the provision of accommodation ... on one cultural, religious or ethnic group? • How much is a new tenant permitted to do to make the home their own, in terms of dementia-related adaptations (focusing on cultural or religious matters)? •

  10. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    calls for action 3 Promoting independence with accessible and adaptable homes 7 Tackling poor conditions and delivering decent homes 13 Integrating housing with health and social care 19 Building for the ... people’s housing matter? Summary – key calls for action Everybody needs a decent, secure and affordable home – but at different points in our lives, we may require different things from our housing. Older people

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