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  1. Employment and Contribution policy statement - September 2019.pdf

    and training or re-training opportunities will not be appropriate for everyone. Employers and governments should resist focusing on generic working practices or development programmes, such as assuming ... account of previous individual contributions. Furthermore, as a result of demographic trends and government policy, the net financial contribution from older people is set to increase. Estimates have indicated

  2. FS10w.pdf

    have internet access, you can search for your local authority using your postcode on the Welsh Government’s website: Alternatively, Age Cymru Advice can provide ... accommodation and personal care only, and other beds registered for nursing care as well. A Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA)1 study sought to provide further details on the roles of different types of

  3. 20190725 Health Social Care and Sport Committees consultation on the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill VL.pdf

    support these intentions. However, we are concerned that, while the new duty is placed only on NHS bodies, and while local authorities already have an equivalent duty under the Social Services and Well-Being ... to die in their home. We therefore propose that the Bill should include a duty on both NHS and bodies and local authorities to co-operate on quality across the health and social care systems. Duty of

  4. FS16.pdf

    There may be some specific considerations, for example in employment, with family and friends, government bodies, and health and care providers. Gender reassignment means you are protected by law under the ... taking masculinising hormones, physical and emotional changes you may experience include: ⚫ beard and body hair growth ⚫ development of male pattern baldness ⚫ slight increase in the size of your clitoris

  5. Spread the Warmth Myth-Busting leaflet.pdf

    costs.’ Actually, if you leave your window open you’re likely to breathe in cold air which lowers body temperature and raises the risk of chest infections, heart attacks and strokes. ‘I’ve heard that keeping

  6. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2012_2013.pdf

    raise our funds 43 Planning for 2013/14 and beyond 47 Financial review 48 Corporate governance 57 Age UK and its partners 60 Risk and internal control 60 Auditor’s report 64 Trustees, Officers ... called for a simpler and fairer deal for State Pensions and we were pleased that in January 2013 the Government published a White Paper outlining a single-tier State Pension for future pensioners that will take

  7. CRS_Jan15_Payment_systems_regulation.pdf

    this consultation on the proposed regulatory framework for UK payments. Although the PSR is a new body with new objectives and strong new powers many of the challenges facing the sector have been with ... Payments Strategy Forum, as opposed to Option 2 (maintaining the Payments Council’s or a successor body’s role in setting industry strategy) or Option 3 (we develop high-level priorities for the industry

  8. Buses - a lifeline for older people.pdf

    opportunity to improve and integrate bus services. We also identify three distinct challenges for government and bus operators: Improving the operation of services, mainly in urban areas. Improving the ... concessionary fares to be available on community transport services and for stable funding. Welsh Government should further explore how it can encourage the rollout of demand responsive bus services across

  9. CRS_Nov13_Better_workplace_pensions.pdf

    Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 This consultation brings forwards the Government’s proposals around charges for schemes used for automatic enrolment. These include improved disclosure ... including options for a charge cap and a ban on active member discounts and consultancy charging. The Government’s consultation follows a market study from the Office of Fair Trading into defined contribution

  10. Webinar summary report - Final.pdf

    discussions raised concerns over confidentiality, safeguarding, and the inability to pick up non-verbal body language. The group discussions also highlighted people’s reluctance to ask for support, or the ... the assumption that all services were closed, because of unclear messaging from Welsh Government and statutory bodies. Positive examples of the advocacy principles were generated in the group discussions

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