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  1. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking_infographic.pdf

    Listen carefully to what older people say, talk clearly without patronising at a speed appropriate to the customer. Be aware of vulnerability including short and long-term issues. Easy-access branches, accessible staff, mobile and shared-use branches. Quick pick-up by human operators. Careful listening and clear talking. Avoid upselling. Give appropriate advice about scams and fraud. Focus on

  2. v1.3a Determining need for advocacy - revised October 2017.docx

    Determining need for advocacy The decision making process for professionals exercising functions under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.All references are to the Part 10 Code of Practice (Advocacy). 1. As part of t he initial conversation, and throughout the assessment, care and support planning, review and safeguarding processes, professionals must ascertain whether the

  3. Blue Badge Scheme in Wales - February 2019.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Inquiry into the Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: Eligibility and Implementation Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee National Assembly for Wales February 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate

  4. MCR - JM female case story.pdf

    Age at Work – case study guidance Older person Ideally this is 100 - 150 words summarising: • where the older person was before ( not employed/ employed /in need of support), • what they did with the Age at Work programme • what happened as a result. o attitudinal change - feeling more confident, less lonely, more engaged at work etc o behavioural change - got a new job, got promoted ,

  5. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_E.pdf

    Words Creating an age friendly Wales Poetry Bingo Poetry can feel intimidating sometimes. Playing Poetry Bingo encourages people to suggest their favourite poems, as well as creating something new from them. • Write down a well-known poem • Cut out each line • Put each line in a hat or bag • Ask someone to randomly pick a line and read it out • Now make a poem or verse starting with this

  6. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_W.pdf

    Geiriau Creating an age friendly Wales Bingo barddoniaeth Mae barddoniaeth yn gallu gwneud i bobl deimlo’n anesmwyth weithiau. Mae chwarae Bingo Barddoniaeth yn annog pobl i awgrymu eu hoff gerddi a hefyd creu rhywbeth newydd ohonyn nhw. • Ysgrifennwch gerdd enwog • Torrwch bob llinell allan • Rhowch bob llinell mewn het neu fag • Gofynnwch i rywun ddewis llinell a’i darllen

  7. Tell me more - care home resident engagement project

    The Tell Me More Project, funded by Welsh Government is all about reaching into care home settings and hearing from the residents so they can share their experiences and hopes for the future.

  8. Senior Management Team

    Meet the Senior Management Team at Age Cymru

  9. Leave a legacy

    Gifts in wills are vital to Age Cymru, and mean that years from now, people in later life will have someone to turn to if they’re feeling vulnerable, lonely and forgotten.

  10. Which exercise might suit you?

    Different activities bring a different range of benefits, so try a variety of things. Finding something you enjoy means you’re more likely to do it regularly.

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