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  1. Survey Outline Covid 19 Welsh v3.docx

    ddimynseiliedigar y we, defnyddo ystadegau)B3. Pa brofiadaucadarnhaolydych chi wedieucaelynystod y cyfnodclo?Help gandeulu/ffrindiauHelp g an y gymuned / CyngorlleolAnsawdd bywydgwellMwy oamserLlai oBwysauArall ... RLTL-KJTR-BYTT, LlawrIsaf, Tŷ Mariners, Llys Trident, Heol East Moors, Caerdydd CF24 5TD neu drwy e-bost i 1 Medi 2020.Os ydychangencymorthpellach, cysylltwch â:Age Cymru Advice:

  2. ID204744 Jingle Bakes_bingopack_.pdf

    Festive bingo Cut out the icons below and get ready to call them out one by one First player to complete a line gets a prize, then the first player to complete their card wins the game! Suggested donation

  3. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2018 WELSH.pdf

    cartrefi gofal gan Age Cymru, yn parhau i gynnal prosiectau celfyddydol nes gwanwyn 2019. Age Cymru’n lansio Cardiau Gweithgaredd cARTrefu rhad ac am ddim i gartrefi gofal cARTrefu Ionawr 2018 ... rhad ac am ddim Adroddiad cARTrefu Y tîm newydd! ï ï ï Mentoriaid cARTrefu Ar daith ... I gloi ... Y Rhwydwaith Diwylliant Oed-gyfeillgar Gwanwyn 2018

  4. Advocacy Services in Merthyr Tydfil.pdf

    guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ... Angela.Griffiths@ Cwm Taf People First Supporting individuals to represent and speak up for themselves. 01443 757954 info@ Are they subject to a DoLS? If they do not

  5. Advocacy Services in Pembrokeshire.pdf

    guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ... advocacy for children/young people who are on the CP register,LAC, CIN or Care Leavers 0808 1682599 Advocacy West Wales – Eiriolaeth Gorllewin Cymru Support for people

  6. Coping with bereavement

    For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  7. Advocacy Services in Gwynedd and Ynys Mon.pdf

    guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ... Cymru Dementia Advocacy Support for anyone with dementia, whether they have capacity or can communicate or not. 029 2043 1555 dementiaadvocacy@ NWAAA - for people receiving supporting people

  8. Advocacy Services in Wrexham.pdf

    IPA. (Independent Professional Advocate) ASNEW - Advocacy Services North East Wales offer advocacy for carers. 01352 759332 Children and Young People ASNEW - Advocacy Services North ... advocacy for carers. 01352 759332 Learning Disability Physical disability Sensory impairment Aquired Brain Injury IMHA IMCA IPA RPR TGP Cymru Independent professional advocacy for children/young

  9. Legacy A3 Poster AW_Welsh.pdf

    gennym lawer i ddiolch amdano i’n perthnasau, ffrindiau a chymdogion hŷn.” Elusen gofrestredig 1128436 Leigh Halfpenny (Cymru a Llewod Prydain & Iwerddon) Gofynnwch am ragor o wybodaeth neu ewch i www.agecymru

  10. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Visual_arts_W.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Celfyddydau Gweledol Collage o luniau Dyma weithgaredd gwych i gael pobl i feddwl am eu gobeithion a’u dymuniadau. Mae cyfle iddyn nhw feddwl am y dyfodol neu greu breuddwyd ... hargraffu, a chasglu lluniau i’w defnyddio i wneud llun • Gall y preswylwyr wneud collage o’r lluniau, yn eu dangos yn gwneud y pethau mwyaf rhyfeddol! Gallai’r preswylwyr deithio i’r gofod mewn roced, reidio

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