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  1. Volunteers Week 2022

    This Volunteers Week 2020 we're celebrating our wonderful volunteers and how they make a difference to the lives of older people in Wales.

  2. Age Matters

    Age Matters is the quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru

  3. FAQ - care home volunteer project.pdf

    FAQ’S for Care Home Volunteers 1.Do I need to have had both Covid-19 Vaccinations? We ask that you inform us of what vaccine(s) you have had and when. You can do this on your application form. 2. Will I need to take a Covid test and wear PPE? Yes. You will need to take a Covid test before you enter the care home. The care home manager will arrange for your test and PPE. You must let the

  4. FAQ.pdf

    1 FAQ’S for Care Home Volunteers 1. Do I need to have had both Covid-19 Vaccinations? We ask that you inform us of what vaccine(s) you have had and when. You can do this on your application form. 2. Will I need to take a Covid test and wear PPE? Yes. You will need to take a Covid test before you enter the care home. The care home manager will arrange for your test and PPE.You must let the

  5. Housing Adaptations Service Standards - December 2018.pdf

    1 Consultation response Housing Adaptations Service Standards Welsh Government December 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to

  6. 5 FAQ for Care home volunteers.pdf

    FAQ for Care Home Volunteers 1. Do I need to have had both Covid-19 Vaccinations? Check with the care home for their policy on vaccination requirement. 2. Will I need to take a Covid test and wear PPE? The care home manager will advise you on their current regulations for Covid testing and PPE. You must let the care home manager know if you have symptoms of Covid infection. Do not attend the

  7. RB_April17_Guidance--Sample_Size_Estimation_for_Qualitative_Methods.pdf

    Vinal K Karania Page 1 of 2 April 2017 Guidance – Sample Size for Qualitative Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of qualitative research methods is to look for meaning (i.e. to understand the why and how behind things). It is therefore about developing richness in data based on an in-depth understanding

  8. FAW 2019. Take Action Today- patient table cv (2).pdf

    Falls are not an inevitable part of growing older Take Action Today Falls Risk Check if you are at risk Action Medication Do you take 4 or more medications daily?Has it been 12 months or more since you had a medication review? Contact your pharmacist/ chemist for a medication usage review. This is a free service Eyesight Do you struggle to see objects around you? Have you noticed any blurring

  9. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 ENGLISH.docx

    Experiencesofpeopleaged50oroverinWales duringthecurrentCovid-19lockdownThis surveyisafollowuptothesurveyweundertookinSummer2020forpeopleaged 50oroveracrossWales,andisbeingundertaken by key organisations thatrepresentolder people.It is important that Welsh Government and others hear from older people about theirexperiences of the lockdown and the impactthat this has made on them.This

  10. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 WELSH.docx

    Profiadaupobl50oedneu hŷnyngNghymruynystod y cyfnodcloCovid-19presennolCreu CymruoedgyfeillgarMae’r arolwghwnargyferpoblsy’n50oed neu hŷnyngNghymru, ac mae’ncaeleigynnalgansefydliadauallweddolsy’ncynrychiolipoblhŷn. Mae’nddilynianti’rarolwgagynhaliwydgennymynystodHaf2020.Mae’n bwysig bod Llywodraeth Cymru, aceraill, ynclywed am brofiadaupoblhŷnynystodycyfnodclo,a’reffaithmaewedi’ichaelarnynt.Bydd

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