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  1. Volunteer Role Description Culture Club.pdf

    Department & Location: Heathy Ageing – Arts and Creativity South Wales Hours of work: Min 2 hours a month Responsible to: Arts and Creativity Programme Manager Role purpose: To provide hands on support ... cultural sites in South Wales - Adhering to Covid19 restrictions might mean meeting outside - Undertake a survey with the participants at their first meeting - Support up to 4 participants to enjoy the cultural

  2. LGBT information and advice

    Information for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people about planning for later life.

  3. Carers

    needs of older carers, carers of people living with dementia, and carers of people who have now moved to live in a care home.

  4. Consultative Forum

    is a society which offers all people in Wales the best experience of later life. Older people are valued, included and able to shape decisions affecting their lives. The Consultative Forum plays a key ... and operational activities of Age Cymru. Membership The Consultative Forum has a wide and diverse membership to ensure that a range of stakeholder and service user views and experience is available to the

  5. Advocacy Newsletter October 2017 Cymraeg.pdf

    Cylchlythyr Eiriolaeth Hydref 2017 Rhifyn 7 Eiriolaeth a Chynlluniau Rhanbarthol ŷ ŷ ŷ Tudalen 2 Cefnogi Comisiynu ac Arfer Da Eiriolaeth: Rhestr Adnoddau Tudalen 3 Eiriolaeth Broffesiynol ... Tudalen 4 Page 5       Cynigion newydd i drawsnewid gofal drwy godi safonau a rhoi statws uwch i waith gofal ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Gwybodaeth a Chanllawiau ar Gam-drin Domestig: Diogelu Pobl Hŷn yng

  6. Survey March 2024 WELSH v3.docx

    Bethsyddynbwysigichi? Profiadaucyfredolpobldros 50 oedyngNghymruDyma’r pedweryddarolwgblynyddol a gynhaliwyders 2020 gan Age Cymrua’rsefydliadauallweddolsy’ncynrychiolipoblhŷnyngNghymru.Mae’n bwysigbo ... chi.Bydd yrarolwghwnyncymryd15munudi’wgwblhau.Mae eichymatebynddi-enwondoshoffech chi inigysylltu â chi ynglŷnâ’rarolwggallwchgynnwyseichmanylioncyswlltarddiwedd y ddogfen.Gallwchhefydroigwybodiniosy

  7. Tell me more consent WEL.docx

    peilot a hoffaiglywedganeichpreswylwyr am eumeddyliaua’uteimladau, a sutmaepethauwedi bod iddyntdros y flwyddynddiwethaf. Ermwyneinhelpugyda’ngwerthusiado’rprosiect, rydymynannogaelod o staff a phresw ... phreswylwyrilenwi’rffurflenganiatâd.Os oesgennychunrhywgwestiynau, cysylltwch â:Suzy Webster, 1. Rwy’ncytunoigymrydrhanyn y prosiectDywedwchFwyar

  8. Volunteer Co-ordinator - HOPE Project South Wales.pdf

    volunteers within the region to deliver advocacy support at a community level and to support and oversee the establishment and running of a regional advocacy volunteer network, working closely and in collaboration ... arrangements, implement a process and system for recruiting the volunteers 4. Ensure all prospective volunteers are inducted with Age Cymru and all Age Cymru and Age Connects partners and have all the relevant

  9. Age Positive Poster Celebrate web.pdf

    Date: Event: #agepositiveweek 30 Medi – 7 Hydref 2018 I gael mwy o wybodaeth am Wythnos Positif Am Oed, cysylltwch â ni ar 029 2043 1555 neu ewch i Dathlu Wythnos Positif

  10. About safeguarding

    sexual and neglect. It can also take the form of coercive and controlling behaviours which is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm ... people’s own homes, in care homes, hospitals, day care and other settings. The vast majority of people have positive relationships with family, informal and formal carers and other professions, however this

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