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  1. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Summary.pdf

    Improving later life for people with sight loss Summary Society is in the midst of a longevity revolution. The prevalence of sight loss increases with age: currently there are almost 2 million people aged 65 and over living with sight loss in the UK. This number is rising because of the ageing population yet the number receiving support is falling. The number of blind and partially sighted

  2. 20230420 Project Officer - Hope Project Gwent.docx

    Job DescriptionJob Title: Project Officer Location: Hybrid ( Home-based) with travel in GwentContractual Status of Role: Full time, 35 hours per week, fixed termuntil 31st March 2025Salary: £2 7,667(FTE)Job Title of Line Manager: Regional Advocacy Manager Job Purpose: Working with the rest of the regional team , to meet the HOPE project objectives by co-producing and implementing a regional

  3. 20230418 WASPI code conduct - Age Cymru response.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Wales Accord on the Sharing of Personal Information (WASPI) code of conduct April 2023 Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to

  4. Legacy leaflet English.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Creating an age friendly Wales Leave support and friendship with a gift in your will A gift in your will can help us be there, day after day. No one should spend later life feeling vulnerable and alone. We make sure older people aren’t forgotten or left to struggle on their own. We’re here to listen, support, advise and help people to feel independent and secure in their

  5. 20171901Chargingforcareandsupport.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Charging for care and support – new regulations Welsh Government January 2017 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own

  6. GTAP Information leaflet WELSH.pdf

    Mae Rhaglen Eiriolaeth Edau Aur wedi’i hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru am 3 blynedd i redeg ar y cyd a chynorthwyo gweithredu Rhan 10 (Eiriolaeth) o Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles 2014. Dechreuom y gwaith hwn ar y 1af Ebrill 2016. Ein prif nodau yw: Cynorthwyo i gomisiynu eiriolaeth broffesiynol annibynnol drwy ddull cynaliadwy a strategol. Gwella argaeledd gwasanaethau eiriolaeth i

  7. IPA and IAA handout.docx

    Independent Professional Advocacy and the Information, Advice & Assistance Service   Information, Advice and Assistance (IAA) and Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) both have key roles in the new approach to care and support. Staff working in IAA services may need to refer some people to an IPA service. What process should be followed to decide when a referral should be made?  The Social

  8. Principles of the Act - Handout.pdf

    1 Handout on principles of the Act The Act is built on the following core principles: • Voice and control – putting an individual and their needs at the centre of their care and support, with voice and control over the outcomes that will help them achieve well-being; The Act gives people a stronger voice and greater control over the support and services they receive to help them achieve

  9. 20190905 Increasing notice period for 'no fault eviction' - Age Cymru response.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Increasing the minimum notice period for a ‘no fault eviction’ Welsh Government September 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own

  10. 20191113 Public Health Wales SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Strategic Equality Objectives 2020 – 2024 Public Health Wales November 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to

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