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  1. Winter Celebration Grant Eligibility and Criteria Funding 2018.pdf

    the grant will only be paid by BACS.  Grants cannot be made to individuals. What type of activity can be funded?  Christmas lunches or Christmas parties  New Year celebrations  Chinese New Year celebrations

  2. Carols by Candlelight

    Join us for an evening of carols and Christmas cheer at our carols by candlelight being held at Norwegian Church

  3. Calendar of events

    Find an Age Positive Week event near you.

  4. Advocacy Newsletter April 2017 Cymraeg.pdf

    Tudalen 3 Pa mor barod yw'r Comisiynwyr i gydymffurfio â'u gofynion statudol newydd? Tudalen 4 Tudalen 5 Deall cyd-gynhyrchu, a’i rôl mewn comisiynu eiriolaeth - rhan 2 Tudalen

  5. Armed Forces pensions

    turn 60. The amount an individual is eligible for depends on when they served and how long for. Who can claim? If an individual was a serving member of the UK Armed Forces after 1 April 1975 and is now aged ... automatically, they’ll have to actively make a claim. What is the War Pension scheme and who can claim? If an individual believes they have an injury, illness or condition caused or made worse by

  6. Local Toilets Strategies - April 2018.pdf

    toilets and toilets for public use are essential to making communities age friendly and a lack of them can have a debilitating effect on older people, preventing people from accessing key services and increasing ... Regarding the publishing and review of local toilets strategies, it is essential that older people can easily access information about the provision of toilet facilities in the community. We believe that

  7. Tell me more consent WEL.pdf

    phreswylwyr i lenwi’r ffurflen ganiatâd. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â: Suzy Webster, Rheolwr Rhwydwaith Cartrefi Gofal 1. Rwy’n cytuno i gymryd rhan yn ... gwynebu canol y sgrin. 6. Gadewch i'r preswylydd siarad yn agored. Gall y cydlynydd gweithgareddau gynorthwyo os ydyn nhw'n cael anhawster. 7. Rwy’n cytuno i gael tynnu fy llun / fy ffilmio ar fideo

  8. Advancing equality and human rights

    disadvantage in communities.  Carers often do not identify themselves as carers, as they view care as a normal part of their relationship with the individual they are helping. This means they may lose

  9. What matters to you

    organisations involved. From health to employment, transport to communication, finances to social care, we want to hear what matters to you. How to complete our survey Download a copy and return it to

  10. RB_Sept14_Ethnicity_and_occupational_pension.pdf

    groups and the White majority relating to the level and nature of participation in the labour market can result in differentials in terms of occupational pension membership. Existing research shows that Pakistani ... 996 came from the five ethnic groups above. Figure 1 Sequence determining whether an individual can be a member of an employer’s pension scheme Ethnicity and occupational pension membership in the

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