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  3. Age Cymru - Pam rydyn ni’n aros - Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru - Awst 2022.pdf

    Assessments and social services for adults in Wales, 2015-16, available at statistics-andresearch/assessments-social-services-adults/?lang=en ii) ADSSS 2019 Innovative funding models to meet ... meet social care needs report https://www.adss. cymru/en/blog/post/innovative-funding-models-to-meet-social-care-needs iii) Milsom S & Breeze C, August 2020 Rebalancing Social Care: A report on Adult Services

  4. Pam rydyn ni’n aros - Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru - Awst 2022.pdf

    Assessments and social services for adults in Wales, 2015-16, available at statistics-andresearch/assessments-social-services-adults/?lang=en ii) ADSSS 2019 Innovative funding models to meet ... meet social care needs report https://www.adss. cymru/en/blog/post/innovative-funding-models-to-meet-social-care-needs iii) Milsom S & Breeze C, August 2020 Rebalancing Social Care: A report on Adult Services

  5. EnvisAGE_2019_cymraeg.pdf

    cael ei drwsio. Roedd yn ymddangos bod y dyn wnaeth ei atgyweirio, sef cymydog, wedi defnyddio ffelt to sied yn hytrach na’r ffelt gradd uwch y dylai fod wedi’i ddefnyddio. Roedd dŵr yn diferu mewn 28 lle ... eiriolaeth annibynnol dros Gymru. Voice_Choice_and_Control.aspx#.XMAzXjBKgnR 2 Age Cymru (2013) Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar.

  6. Newsletter Autumn 2021 Welsh.pdf

    gostau byw o ddydd i ddydd. Yn ddiweddar rydym wedi lansio ein harweiniad rhad ac am ddim, ‘More money in your pocket’, sy’n ymdrin â Phensiwn y Wladwriaeth, Credyd Pensiwn, Cynllun Gostyngiadau’r Dreth

  7. Prosiect Hawliau Dynol

    If you would like to access this information in English, please visit this page Rydym yn cydnabod nad yw’r wefan gyfan ar gael yn Gymraeg ar hyn o bryd ond rydym yn gweithio'n galed i newid hyn yn

  8. Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi - Profiadau cyfredol pobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru 2024.docx

    FreepostRLTL-KJTR-BYTT,GroundFloor,MarinersHouse,TridentCourt, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD or by email to oesangenrhagorogymortharnoch, cysylltwch â:Age Cymru Advice: 0300 303 44

  9. Conversation resource - Welsh.pdf

    f_a_thank_you Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court

  10. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales W WEB.pdf

    UK (2011) A Snapshot of Ageism in the UK and across Europe. 3 Office of National Statistics (2013) Labour Market Statistics Rhagfyr 2013. 4 Department of Work and Pensions. Older Workers Statistical Information ... Hawliau ar gyfer Pobl Hŷn yng Nghymru. 6 Age Cymru (2013) Pwysigrwydd Eiriolaeth 4. 7 UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People (2006) 8 Llywodraeth Cymru (2013) Arolwg Cenedlaethol Cymru: Canlyniadau Pennawd

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