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  1. CRS_Jan15_FCA_Cash_savings_market_study_report.pdf

    ability and motivation of customers to seek out products with better rates of return. At the same time, we would like the FCA to go further than it has in requiring product defaults that give better returns ... discount with a percentage discount.1 The questions presented in these tests were extremely simple, so it can be surmised that the failure rate would have been a lot higher if more complex questions had been asked

  2. Survey March 2024 WELSH v3.docx

    Ydychchiwedicaelmynediadatofaliechydneuwediceisiocaelmynediadat ofal iechyd ynystod y 12 mis diwethaf?⬛ Ydw, i mi⬛ Ydw,argyferrhywunarall⬛ Na, doedd dim angenB6.b. Osydych,pafathoofaliechydydychchiwedieidderbyn ... helpynycartrefgydathasgaubywydbobdydd,caelcefnogaethiadael yr ysbyty, gofalseibiant a gofalpreswyl.)⬛ Ydw, i mi⬛ Ydw,argyferrhywunarall⬛ Na,doedddimangeni mi wneudhynB7.b. Osfelly,agawsochchi'rhelpyroeddeiangenarnoch

  3. 06_really_flashy_bird_DIGITAL.pdf

    next st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times. [18] round 3: (dc in next 2 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times. [24] round 4: (dc in next 4 st, inc in next st) repeat 5 times. [30] round 5 - 12: dc in all 30 st ... [12] round 2: (dc in next st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times. [18] round 3-5: dc in all 18 sts. [18] round 6: (dc in next 3 st, dec) repeat 3 times. [12] Start stuffing the head with fibrefill. (you will

  4. Advocacy Newsletter August 2017 Cymraeg.pdf

    Gam-drin Domestig: Diogelu Pobl Hŷn yng Nghymru Pap ur Gwyn Llywodraeth Cymru, Gwasanaethau sy'n Addas i'r Dyfodol, Ansawdd a Llywodraethiant ym Maes Iechyd a Gofal yng Nghymru       Tudalen

  5. Advocacy Newsletter March 2018 Cymraeg.pdf

    Tudalen 2 Swyddogaeth Eiriolaeth mewn perthynas â Llesiant Tudalen 3 â î Tudalen 4 Tudalen 5 Ymgysylltu a Chomisiynu Cefnogi

  6. RB_Feb17_WB_Index_Indicators_with_Understanding_Society_definitions.pdf

    you have any long-standing physical or mental impairment, illness or disability? By 'long-standing' I mean anything that has troubled you over a period of at least 12 months or that is likely to trouble ... Neighbourliness of local area Belong to neighbourhood Local friends mean a lot Advice obtainable locally Can borrow things from neighbours Willing to improve neighbourhood Plan to stay in neighbourhood Am

  7. Advocacy Newsletter November 2016 Cymraeg.pdf

    lleol Tudalen 5   Tudalen 6 Gofalu i Gydweithredu      Tudalen 7 Tudalen 8 Tudalen 9 Hyfforddiant APSO i swyddogion awdurdodedig Tudalen 10 Hyfforddiant

  8. RB_Sept14_Pension_receipt_in_the_UK-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    White British group. Such differentials may be the result of a complex set of reasons including the timing of arrival and commencing contributions in the UK, employment patterns, relatively low-paid earnings ... across the life course when in work, as well as cultural reasons. Low income over the life course can be directly affected by low participation rates in the labour market for particular ethnic groups,

  9. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Cym.pdf

    bank branch closures. 24 September 2019. Mae newidiadau i reolau Credyd Pensiwn ar gyfer 'cyplau oed cymysg' (pensiynwyr sydd â phartner sy'n iau nag Oed Pensiwn ... mlynedd neu fwy, gan ddefnyddio data oed partneriaid 10,941 o gyplau o ryw gwahanol sydd yn byw gyda’i gilydd, 16 oed a hŷn, o ledled y DU, a arolygwyd yng ngham 8 Deall Cymdeithas, Astudiaeth Hydredol Cartrefi’r

  10. EnvisAGE

    veterans. Claire Morgan and Jane Healey of Carers Wales highlight how the health of unpaid carers can be negatively impacted by their caring role. The article by Sara Walters features the Roots to Recovery

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